
  • 网络aquatic vegetable
  1. 浙江省水生蔬菜产业发展现状及展望

    Current Status and Prospects of Aquatic Vegetable Industry in Zhejiang Province

  2. 江西省水生蔬菜发展的探讨

    Present Situation and Problems in the Development of Aquatic Vegetable in Jiangxi Province

  3. 藕莲为莲(NelumbonuciferaGaertn.ssp.nucifera)三种类型之一,其地下茎莲藕在12种水生蔬菜中栽培面积最大,同时也是我国销售量最大的26种蔬菜之一。

    Rhizome is one of three types of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn . ssp . nucifera , which has the largest cultivation area in 12 kinds of aquatic vegetables and its sales is one of the largest of the 26 kinds of vegetables .

  4. 应用放射性核素示踪技术,研究了3种水生蔬菜(慈姑、荸荠和水芹菜)对稀土元素钷(147Pm)的吸收与富集。

    Studies were carried out with radionuclide tracer on absorption , distribution and absorption coefficient of rare earth Promethium ( 147 Pm ) in three species of aquatic vegetables ( arrowhead , water chestnut and water dropwort ) .

  5. 南通市水生蔬菜的发展与现状

    Development and Present Situation of Acquatic Vegetable in Nantong City

  6. 水生蔬菜型人工湿地技术净化农村生活污水的试验研究

    Research on Purification of Rural Sewage in Aquatic Vegetable Wetland

  7. 水生蔬菜生产现状及其前景分析

    Analysis of the present situation of producing aquatic vegetables and its prospects

  8. 是我国栽培面积最大、最重要的水生蔬菜。

    It has been the most important water vegetable .

  9. 特种水生蔬菜刺苦草组织培养技术研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture of a Special Aquicolous Vegetable Called Vallisneria Spinulosa Yan

  10. 中国水生蔬菜作物品种资源分类的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Classification of Main Variety Resource of Aquatic Vegetables in China

  11. 苏州特色水生蔬菜的产业化发展现状与对策

    Current Situation of Industrialization Development of Characteristic Aquatic Vegetables in Suzhou City and Countermeasures

  12. 莲藕是我国种植面积大、经济价值高的水生蔬菜品种。

    Lotus root isa kind of aquatic vegetables with bigger cultivated area and higher economic value .

  13. 在我国水生蔬菜市场供不应求,是投资者获得巨额利润的开发项目。

    Aquatic vegetable market in China in short supply of investors to obtain huge profits development projects .

  14. 对江苏省水生蔬菜的生产、优良种质资源的保护和开发利用现状进行了调查研究。

    Current status on conservation and utilization of aquatic vegetable germplasm resources in Jiangsu province was investigated .

  15. 武汉市蔬菜研究所经过十五年努力,已建成一个中国内地唯一、世界最大的水生蔬菜种质基因库。8月12日在此间召开的全国水生蔬菜学术研讨会对此予以确认。

    China is home to the world 's largest gene bank for aquatic vegetables , a seminar heard last week .

  16. 莲是我国重要的水生蔬菜,具有很大的经济和观赏价值。

    Nelumbo nucifera is one of the ancient species in plant and has enormous economic value as aquatic vegetable in China .

  17. 分析了江西省发展水生蔬菜的现状,并就其存在的问题提出了对策。

    In the article , the advantages of aquatic vegetable in our province were analyzed and finally , some suggestions for handling the existing problems were put forward .

  18. 期望为重金属胁迫对茭白伤害机理的研究提供一些科学依据,同时也为水生蔬菜的安全生产提供部分理论依据。

    This paper will provid some theoretical evidences to the safety production of hydrophytic vegetables , and some scientific evidences to the study of mechanism of injury of Zizania latifolia .

  19. 分析了水生蔬菜发展的现状及其前景,并针对当前水生蔬菜生产状况提出了加快其发展的对策意见。

    The present situation of producing aquatic vegetables and its prospects were analyzed , and then some corresponding countermeasures and proposals of speeding the development of aquatic vegetables were put forward .

  20. 开发水生蔬菜是江西省发展生态农业、调整农业产业结构的重要举措,是增加农民收入的有效途径。

    Developing aquatic vegetable is an important measure for the adjustment of the agriculture industrial structure , the development of the ecological agriculture in Jiangxi province and an effective way to increase farmer income .

  21. 从国内12个省市征集荸荠资源77份,保存在国家种质武汉水生蔬菜资源圃,其中荸荠种70份、野荸荠种7份。

    77 pieces of resource from 12 domestic provinces and cities were kept in Wuhan Resource Garden of the Aquatic Vegetable under County Germ Plasm . The resource is including 70 water chestnut plants , 7 wild planting .

  22. 有鉴于此,本文首先确定标准,严格鉴别出蔬菜字头82个,归并出56种蔬菜,分为叶用类蔬菜、根用类蔬菜、水生蔬菜、瓜类蔬菜,共4类。

    Therefore , this paper sets up a strict standard and distinguishes 82 characters referring to vegetables and then obtains 56 kinds of vegetables , which are classified into four categories : leaf vegetable , root vegetable , hydrophilous vegetable , melon vegetable .

  23. 在全年田间沟渠水(或田面水)、农田旁沟渠水、近农田河道水水溶性总氮平均浓度依次递增的是水生蔬菜,在非汛期依次递增的是水作大田作物。

    However , the average concentration of TDN in farmland water , ditch water , watercourse water gradually increase in the aquatic vegetable field in the whole year , and the same result is got in the only paddy field in the non-flood season .

  24. 本研究为探索特种水生蔬菜刺苦草无性繁殖的有效途径,对组织培养过程中的消毒方法、培养基种类、外植体选用、光照温度处理、生长素和细胞分裂素的选择等方面进行了比较研究。

    This study was to explore the special aquatic vegetables Vallisneria barbed effective means of vegetative propagation of tissue culture in the process of disinfection methods , media types , explant selection , light temperature treatment , the choice of auxin and cytokinin etc. A comparative study .