
  • 网络christine fan;FanFan;Fan Fan;Weichi Fan
  1. 《信息时报》消息,台湾娱乐圈知名人士陈建州(黑人)和女友范玮琪相恋10年,于今年二月在新泽西NBA球场求婚成功。

    Popular Taiwanese entertainer Blackie Chen and girlfriend of10 years , Christine Fan , are finally getting engaged this Saturday , Information Times reports .

  2. 范玮琪在周五晚上发布声明称她对自己传照片让很多人不开心的事情深感歉意

    Fan tweeted on Friday night that she was sorry the photo had made so many people unhappy .

  3. 范玮琪,39岁,经常在她的新浪微博上传家庭的照片,她在该微博拥有4770万的粉丝

    Fan , 39 , often posts family snapshots on Sina Weibo , where she has more than 47.7 million followers .

  4. 在范玮琪上传几分钟之后,批评者就大量涌出,其中许多人质疑为什么她炫耀家庭生活而对全国范围的胜利阅兵不闻不问

    Criticism flooded in minutes after Fan sent it . Some netizens questioned why she was flaunting family life while turning a deaf ear to the nationwide excitement over the victory parade .