
  1. 军事防御理论是城市起源的一个重要假说。

    Military defense theory is an important hypothesis of civic origin .

  2. 中国历史悠久、地域辽阔、人文复杂,这使得古代城市起源动力呈多样化态势。

    China has a long history and a vast territory .

  3. 这座城市起源于古罗马时代。

    The city had its beginnings in Roman times .

  4. 中国古代城市起源动力及类型

    The Type and Origin of Chinese Ancient Cities

  5. 先秦蜀国城市起源与形成初论

    On the origin and forming of the city in the Chu Kingdom before Qin Dynasty

  6. 城市起源于几千年前,它现在越来越成为人类生活的重要场所。

    City , which has emerged for thousand years , is more and more important for human being as a place for living .

  7. 中国的城市起源于新石器时代在黄河长江流域产生的永久性村落,后来由于战争,各个部族建起了城堡,这就是中国城市的早期形态。

    Cities in China originate from the permanent villages along the Yellow River and Yangtse River Basins in the Neolithic Age . Tribes who set up the castle due to the war constitute the early shape of cities .

  8. 城市起源于人类分工和互助的需要,是社会分工发展到一定阶段的产物,是人类经济发展和社会文明进步的结晶,也是各种矛盾的汇集处。

    City is originated from human labor division and cooperation . It not only is the product of social division of labor development at a certain stage , and is the crystallization of economic development and social civilization , but also is place with a variety of contradictions collection .

  9. 中国城市的起源可以追溯到数千年前的遥远古代。

    The Chinese cities originated from thousands years ago .

  10. 试论城市的起源和形成

    On the Origin and the Forming of a City

  11. 从城市的起源开始,产业结构就起着至关重要的作用。

    The industrial structure has been playing a vital role since the origin of the city .

  12. 城市的起源及本质

    City Origin and Its Essence

  13. 城市的起源与发展,见证着人类文明社会的逐渐形成。

    With the help of the finding and developing of city , human beings ' civilization was created .

  14. 城市的起源、发展和水源有着密切的联系,然而由于城市的发展,交通的运输工具与技术的更新和工业重心的转移,城市滨水地区机能衰退。

    There is close relationship between the origin of the city , the development of the city and the headwaters ;

  15. 展示世界城市从起源走向现代文明历程中,人与城市环境之间互动发展的历史足迹。

    The Pavilion of Urban Civilization will reveal the course of urban development achieved by worldwide cities in the form architectures , sculpture , and paintings .

  16. 此课程将会著重在现代城市的起源与关于其如何崭露头角的理论,包括十九世纪城市的转换与其组织。

    The class will concentrate on the origins of the modern city and theories about its emerging form , including the transformation of the nineteenth-century city and its organization .

  17. 城市广场起源于古希腊,是公众思想文化交流、宗教仪式举办、政治事件发生的重要场所,大多数的公共活动都在广场上举行。

    Square is the most important place for communication , religious , political events , which can trace back to ancient Greece . Its main function is to hold various public activities .

  18. 交易作为城市的起源之一早已为人所识,但将交易概念拓展并抽象为城市的统一起源,却是本文的一个创新观点。

    While transaction origin of urban has been consensus for a long time , it is an innovative perspective to extend the concept of transaction and abstract it into the unity of urban origin .

  19. 城市及其体系起源和演进的经济学描述

    An Economic Description of Origin and Evolution of City and Its System

  20. 城市形态学的起源与在中国的发展研究

    The Searches of Urban Morphology Origin and Development in China

  21. 《城市危机的起源:战后底特律的种族和不平等》1996。

    Sugrue , Thomas . The Origins of the Urban Crisis : Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit . 1996 .

  22. 城市公共空间起源与演变贯穿于人类的发展历史当中,其形式、数量与质量随着社会的发展也在不断变化。

    The origin and evolvement of city public space impenetrate in human 's phylogeny , and its modality , quantity and quality are changing along with the developing of community .

  23. 其二、与新兴的股份制银行相比,城市商业银行起源于城市信用社,通常资产质量更差、遗留问题更多;

    Secondly , Comparing with the new arising joint-stock bank , city commercial bank originates from the city credit cooperation , so its property quality is worse and has more problem .

  24. 第一部分为概述,主要阐述城市规划的起源、法律属性及分类,为以下的论述做好基础理论准备。

    The first part goes the brief introduction , mainly talking about the origin , legal attribute and classification of urban planning , which is a theory preparation for the following discussion .

  25. 这就需要我们从文化整体观(包括物质的和精神的)的基础上,以基因的视角来看待城市空间的起源与演化。

    We are required to analyze the origin and evolution of the city space from the genetic perspective , based on the concept of culture as a whole ( materially and spiritually ) .

  26. 阐述了城市生态学的起源与发展过程,以及国内外城市生态环境与城市生态学研究内容及进展;

    The origin and development progress of urban ecology were expatiated in this paper . The study contents and progress of urban ecological environment and urban ecology in the China and in other country were mentioned .

  27. 我国乡村城市化道路的起源和演变

    The Origin and Evolution of Chinas Rural Urbanization

  28. 中国乡村城市化研究:起源、概念、进展与展望

    Research on rural urbanization in china : origin , defination , progress and Prospect

  29. 悉尼作为澳大利亚最大和最古老的城市,它的起源是作为一个方便重新安置罪犯的地方,所以它已经取得了很大的进展。

    Australia 's biggest and oldest city , Sydney has come a long way since its origins as a convenient place to re-locate convicts .

  30. 从城市生态思想的起源出发,到城市生态学的诞生与发展,这一研究领域始终表现出多学科的交叉特点。

    From the ideas of ecology in urban to Urban Ecology and its development , the Urban Ecology shows strong characteristic of interdisciplinary all the tune .