
  • city life;urban life;town;City Living
  1. 这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。

    The book aims to cover all aspects of city life .

  2. 城市生活的镜头与访问当地人的画面相互交切。

    Scenes of city life were intercut with interviews with local people .

  3. 当时我们决定,该离开城市生活了。

    We decided it was time to quit the city .

  4. 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。

    Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle .

  5. 噪音是现代城市生活的一大祸根。

    Noise is a curse of modern city life .

  6. 我不是一个很喜欢城市生活的人。

    I 'm not really a city person .

  7. 肆无忌惮的暴行在城市生活中越来越司空见惯。

    Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life .

  8. 他已经厌倦了城市生活。

    He had become fed up with city life

  9. 他的父母正试图弥补他在城市生活的局限。

    His parents are trying to make up to him for the restrictions of urban living

  10. 由于受到城市生活的诱惑,他离开了家。

    He left home because of the lures of urban life .

  11. 该书生动地描绘了城市生活的阴暗面。

    The book gives a vivid description of the seedy side of city life .

  12. 一个乡下人难以适应城市生活。

    It is hard for a rural person to accustom himself to city life .

  13. 听说他将去另外一个城市生活,她非常难过。

    She was very sad to hear that he would live in another city .

  14. 小说反映了当前城市生活的一个侧面。

    The novel presents one aspect of current city life .

  15. 这些孩子不习惯城市生活。

    The children are unused to city life .

  16. 住在乡间,可以不为城市生活的烦嚣之声所扰。

    Living out of the city , I 'm not bothered by the din of urban life .

  17. 我们可以将这篇以现代化的大城市生活为背景的故事与另一篇描写偏僻农场生活的故事对照一下。

    We can contrast this story , set in a large modern city , with other one that tells of life on a lonely farm .

  18. 我的学校并没有像那些更受欢迎的大学一样预先包装好,所以我们只能自己照顾自己,弄清城市生活,并努力完成没有人支持我们取得成功的学位课程。

    My school didn 't come pre-packaged like the more popular options , so we were left to take care of ourselves , figuring out city life and trying to complete degree programs that no one was championing for us to succeed in .

  19. 他的主要论点是,城市生活的喧嚣,以及它为合作和协作提供的机会,是吸引人们来到城市的原因,而来到城市的人反过来又使城市成为艺术、商业、科学和进步的引擎。

    His main thesis is that the buzz of urban life , and the opportunities it offers for co-operation and collaboration , is what attracts people to the city , which in turn makes cities into the engines of art , commerce , science and progress .

  20. 他用创意来改善城市生活。

    He uses creative ideas to improve city life .

  21. 虽然这听起来离你有点遥远,但在这样一个“智慧”城市生活的进程可能会比你想象的更快。

    Although   it   might   sound   a   lttle   far   from   you ,   living   in   a   " smart "   city like   this   could   happen   sooner   than   you   think .

  22. 例句:两全其美的办法如果你决定住在这里,你可以同时享受到乡村的草木和城市生活的便利。

    If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities1 of urban life .

  23. 摩根银行的一项研究显示,45岁以上的男性中,有66%的人有可能成为海边退休族,远离城市生活的繁杂。

    Meanwhile a study by Morgan and Banks found that 66 percent of males aged3 45 and over were likely to become SeaChangers , leaving the city to escape the daily routine of city life .

  24. 城市生活垃圾焚烧炉燃烧室三维辐射传热的Monte-Carlo解法

    Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo Modeling of Radiative Transfer in a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator

  25. 城市生活垃圾的DSC和TGA分析与热值估算

    Analysis with TGA and DSC and evaluation of heating value for municipal refuse

  26. 对附加气IC反应器处理城市生活污水的可行性及其对温度的适应性和酸碱度变化的缓冲能力进行了试验性研究,在试验基础上总结了处理该两种废水的工艺流程。

    The wastewater treatment process flows of two kinds of wastewater were also summarized basing on the result of experiment .

  27. 为实现城市生活污水处理的在线控制,提出了基于RBF人工神经网络的软测量方法。

    In order to achieve on-line control of municipal wastewater treatment , the soft measuring method based on RBF artificial neural network is introduced in this paper .

  28. 膜生物反应器(MBR)主要用于工业污水和城市生活污水的处理,但在水产养殖污水处理方面的应用研究,国内外尚未见报道。

    Membrane bioreactors ( MBR ) are widely adopted in treatment systems for industrial sewage , but never for treating sewage from aquaculture .

  29. 城市生活垃圾渗滤液回灌处理技术研究Ⅰ&pH值的变化对NH3-N去除的影响

    Research of the Recycling Irrigation Treatment of Municipal Landfill Leachate I. Change of pH Effect on Removal of NH_3-N

  30. 利用微分扫描量热仪(DSC)准确地测定了城市生活垃圾的含水率;

    Thermogravimetric Analyzer ( TGA 51 ) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter ( DSC 910 S ), both made in USA , were used for the analysis and determination of municipal refuse .