
  • 网络urban vegetation
  1. 遥感和GIS支持下的城市植被制图及其特征分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of urban vegetation and its mapping based on remote sensing and geographic information system

  2. 基于SVM决策支持树的城市植被类型遥感分类研究

    Research on Remote Sensing Classification of Urban Vegetation Species Based on SVM Decision-making Tree

  3. 基于KPCA和SAM的城市植被遥感分类研究

    Research on Classification for City 's Vegetation Type Based on KPCA and SAM

  4. 广州市城市植被景观多样性分析

    An analysis of urban vegetation - landscape diversity in Guangzhou

  5. 模拟地带性植被类型建设高质量城市植被

    Building High Quality Urban Vegetation by Simulating Region-Specific Vegetation Type

  6. 株洲市城市植被景观多样性景观生态分析

    Ecological Analysis on Urban Vegetation Landscape and Diversity Landscape of Zhuzhou City

  7. 城市植被:特点、类型与功能

    Urban vegetation : its characteristic , type and function

  8. 以上海城市植被为研究对象,探索城市植被的分类理论和方法,提出一套适用于城市植被分类与制图的方法。

    A set of methodologies for urban vegetation classification and mapping are suggested .

  9. 上海城市植被变化轨迹及其成因分析

    Vegetation change trajectory and the reasons in Shanghai City

  10. 城市植被是城市里覆盖着的所有生活植物的总和。

    The urban vegetation is the sum total of the plants covered the city .

  11. 合并为草地、园地与林地绿地类型时分类总精度达91.7%,可以满足城市植被分类与生态评价的需求。

    And it can meet needs of city 's vegetation classification and ecological appraisement .

  12. 城市植被在城市生态环境中的效应

    Effects of city vegetation on the city ecology

  13. 邯郸城市植被建设中的问题及建议

    The Existing Problems of Urban Vegetation Construction in Handan City and Suggestions for it

  14. 结果表明,随着频繁的人类活动,城市植被景观类型多样性降低,景观类型趋于单一;

    The result reveals that pattern diversity of urban vegetation landscape has reduced and simplified ;

  15. 城市植被分类研究进展

    Advances on Classification of Urban Vegetation

  16. 城市植被类型不同,生物量不同,其生态功能与绿化效应也不同。

    Different vegetation species have different biological quality and produce different ecological functions and greenery effect .

  17. 研究结果表明,线性光谱混合模型估算城市植被覆盖度能够达到较高精度。

    The result indicates that vegetation abundance estimation based on linear spectral mixture model can reach high accuracy .

  18. 华北平原缺水城市植被建设的应对策略浅析&以河北平原为例

    The analysis on the strategy to construct vegetation in the arid cities & A case study in Huabei Plain

  19. 基于线性混合像元分解的沈阳市三环内城市植被盖度变化

    Urban vegetation coverage change inside the Third-Ring Road of Shenyang City , China : A study with linear spectral unmixing technique

  20. 杂草群落是城市植被三大组分之一,对城市生物多样性的维持与保育至关重要。

    As one of the three components of urban vegetation , weed communities are essential to the maintenance and conservation of urban biodiversity .

  21. 城市植被是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,是自然和人文多种因素影响的结果。

    City vegetation is an importance part of the city ecosystem which is the outcome of various factors coming from nature and human beings .

  22. 城市植被是维系城市生态和景观,提高人们生活质量的重要条件与保障。

    Urban vegetation is indispensable in urban ecology and landscape . It is an important factor and guarantee for improving life quality in urban area .

  23. 城市植被的空间定位和定量化研究为进一步研究城市植被的生态效益及城市生态规划和管理提供了科学依据。

    Spatial positioning and quantification of urban vegetation laid a foundation for the estimation of ecological benefit of urban vegetation and urban ecological planning and management .

  24. 是城市植被恢复的一种有效途径,对促进城市林业发展和城市生态格局安全具有积极意义。

    It is an effective approach to renovation of city plants and it will also promote the development of forest and ecological safety of our city .

  25. 应用生态型绿化法建设近自然群落是城市植被恢复的一种新途径。

    The application of the method of ecological greening in the construction of approaching nature plant community is a new process in the field of restoration of urban vegetation .

  26. 因此,应该改善城市植被的生长条件,增加城市植被的生物多样性,提高城市植被的生产力和生态功能,从而改善城市的生态环境。表5参18。

    Therefore , the growth condition for urban vegetation should be improved . Biodiversity , primary production and ecological function should be increased for urban vegetation in order to improve urban eco-environment .

  27. 城市植被覆盖率与城市建设、城市化及人类活动强度有着密切关系,对城市环境的影响巨大。

    The rate of the urban vegetation has to do with the urban construction , urbanization and the intensity of the human activities closely and has great influence on the urban environment .

  28. 其中,宝山区东北角和与其相邻的浦东新区西北角地区、浦东新区东南部和南汇区的外环以内部分是上海城市植被中净第一性生产力较高的区域,均大于各季节的平均值。

    NPP is higher in Northeastern corner of Baoshan 、 northwestern corner and southeastern of Pudong and Nanhui district which part is in Shanghai Outer Loop Line than other parts of study area .

  29. 通过本文研究表明:重庆市城市植被减少、人口增多及工业和生活耗能化等导致了热岛效应的必然加剧。

    Studies through this article indicated that : Chongqing urban vegetation reduction , population growth and the industry and the life consumes energy and so on , lead the hot island effect inevitable to intensify .

  30. 笔者概述了当前国内外城市植被分类体系的研究进展,并对城市植被分类中存在的主要问题进行了分析和展望。

    The authors have summarized the research progress on urban vegetation classification system at home and abroad , the main problems , which are existed in the classification , are also analyzed and expected to settle .