
  • 网络Ukr;Air Ukraine
  1. 1998年,一家香港公司买下了乌克兰航空母舰瓦雅格号(Varyag),表面上看是要将其改装为一艘休闲船只。

    Another Hong Kong-based company bought the Ukrainian aircraft carrier Varyag in 1998 , ostensibly for turning into a leisure boat .

  2. 乌克兰航空展苏恺战机坠落至少六十六人丧生

    At Least 66 Killed in Su-Fighter Jet Crash in Ukraine Air Show

  3. 乌克兰航空展空难原因可能是疏忽

    Ukraine Air Show Accident May be Caused by Omission

  4. 去年4月底,乌克兰国际航空公司开通了很多从纽约起飞的航班&不幸的是,那个时机很糟糕。

    Ukrainian International Airlines began flying out of New York in late April & tragically bad timing .

  5. 去年4月底,乌克兰国际航空公司开通了很多从纽约起飞的航班——不幸的是,那个时机很糟糕。

    Ukrainian International Airlines began flying out of New York in late April - tragically bad timing .

  6. 这架乌克兰国际航空公司的飞机原定飞往基辅,但在霍梅尼国际机场起飞后不久就遭到了袭击。

    The Kiev-bound Ukraine International Airlines plane was attacked shortly after taking off from the Imam Khomeini International Airport .

  7. 一架乌克兰国际航空公司的客机从德黑兰起飞后不久被意外击落,伊朗已承认对此负责。

    Iran has admitted responsibility for accidentally shooting down the Ukraine International Airlines plane shortly after it took off from Tehran .

  8. 而辽宁省委书记最近透露,中国正在大连港建造第一艘国产航空母舰。此前中国从乌克兰购买了首艘航空母舰,并将其命名为辽宁号。

    And the top Communist party official in Liaoning province recently revealed that China was building its first indigenous aircraft carrier at the port of Dalian – to follow the Liaoning , which it bought from Ukraine .