
  1. 优质大果杨梅新品系乌紫杨梅的生物学特性及其RAPD鉴定

    Biological characteristics and RAPD identification of a new high quality and large fruit bayberry line Wuzi

  2. 上述结果表明乌紫杨梅是一个不同于其他杨梅品种、后代表现稳定的大果、优质杨梅新品系。

    These results proved that Wuzi bayberry is a new genetically stable bayberry line with large fruit size and high quality .

  3. 乌紫杨梅是从浙江省象山县的自然实生资源中选出的一个优质、大果、早熟杨梅新品系。

    Wuzi bayberry is a new bayberry line with large fruit size and high quality , which was selected from the natural bayberry seedlings .

  4. 结果表明,乌紫杨梅果实干鲜重的快速增长、糖和花色苷含量的快速积累和酸含量的快速下降均发生在果实转色至成熟这段时期,即果实成熟前2周左右。

    The results showed the rapid accumulation of dry and fresh weight , sugars , and anthocyanin content and rapid decrease of the titratable acid content occurred during later stage of fruit development ( two weeks before maturation ) .