
  1. 吴镇诗词研究

    A Study of Wu Zhen 's Poetry and Chinese Ci

  2. 线性规划法在土地利用结构优化中的应用研究&以徐州市大吴镇采煤塌陷地为例

    Application of the linear planning technique in land utilization structure optimization & a case study of subsidence area in coalfield of Dawu town in Xuzhou City

  3. 大吴镇煤炭资源经过了100多年的开发和利用,给国家社会经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献,但同时矿山的开采活动也给当地的地质地貌、生态环境产生影响和破坏。

    With exploitation and utilization for more than one hundred years , the coal resources has made great contribution to the economy and society development of Dawu town ; meanwhile it also has brought some harm and destruction on the geomorphology and eco-environment .