
  • 网络The Day of the Lord;the Lord's Day
  1. 因为你们自己清楚知道,主的日子来到,就像夜间的贼来到一样。

    For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night .

  2. 因为你们自己明明晓得、主的日子来到、好像夜间的贼一样。

    For you yourselves have the knowledge that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night .

  3. 林前五5把这样的人交给撒但,使他的肉体受败坏,好叫他的灵在主的日子可以得救。

    5 to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh , that his spirit may be saved in the day of the lord .

  4. 不要让人用任何方法迷惑了你们,因为主的日子来到以前,必定有背道的事,并且那不法的人,就是那沉沦之子,必定显露出来。

    Don 't let anyone deceive you in any way , for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed , the man doomed to destruction .

  5. 我劝你们,无论有灵有言语,有冒我名的书信,说主的日子现在到了,(现在或作就)不要轻易动心,也不要惊慌。

    That ye be not soon shaken in mind , or be troubled , neither by spirit , nor by word , nor by letter as from us , as that the day of Christ is at hand .

  6. 你们也当忍耐,坚固你们的心。因为主来的日子近了。

    You too , be patient and stand firm , because the lord 's coming is near .

  7. 在主的那些日子里,犹太教守法的思想不能够接纳福音。

    In the days of the Lord , the legalistic thinking of Judaism could not be used to take in the gospel .

  8. 工程至今尚未峻工,一直要等到主再来的日子,我们才能按照祂的心意,完全的建造起来。

    He is working and building toward the day when we will be all'that he wants us to be-that will be when Jesus comes again .

  9. 要把这样的人交给撒但,败坏他的肉体,使他的灵魂在主耶稣的日子可以得救。

    Hand this man over to satan , so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the lord .

  10. 光明之主亚基拉重生的日子近了!

    The time of Lord akira 's awakening draws near !

  11. 但主耶稣回来的日子是才最奇妙伟大的日子。

    But the day of our Lord 's return will be far more wonderful !

  12. 在最为黑暗的时代,他们期盼上主到来的大好日子,上帝将统治世界。

    In the darkest days they expected some great day of the Lord , some reign of God .

  13. 他也必坚固你们到底、叫你们在我们主耶稣基督的日子、无可责备。

    He will keep you strong to the end , so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus christ .

  14. 明天是霍德格森成为利物浦主教练整整半年的日子,但是却算不上是安菲尔德高兴的时刻。

    Roy Hodgson marks half a year as Liverpool manager tomorrow but it will be a far from happy occasion at Anfield .

  15. 我们藉著守圣餐,记念主为我们受死;我们要一直守这餐,直至主再来的日子。

    In our communion services we are reminding ourselves and others of the Lord 's death until he comes .

  16. 他甘愿为了主的缘故而忍受逼迫,使他有能力感动更多的肢体和他共同忍受,直到见主的日子。

    His willingness to suffer for sake of Christ and his ability to inspire others to stand with him right till the end of his life .