
  • 网络light-day;light day
  1. 通过叶内CO2浓度变化的气孔限制分析表明,在相对恒定外界条件下表现出的光合日下降变化是由于非气孔因素限制所致。

    Stomata inhibition analysis showed that diurnal change of photosynthesis was caused by non-stomata factors under relatively invariable condition .

  2. 生态因子对水稻Rubisco和光合日变化的调节

    Regulation of Rubisco activity and diurnal changes of photosynthetic rate in rice by ecology factors

  3. 太行山退化生境主要乔木树种光合日进程分析

    Photosynthesis diurnal courses of main species in degraded habitat of Taihang Mountains

  4. 干旱地区紫花苜蓿光合日变化规律研究

    Study on diurnal variation of photosynthesis for Medicago sativa in arid area

  5. 开阔地上短柄五加植株光合日变化呈明显的单峰类型;

    Diurnal course of photosynthetic in open space showed single peak type .

  6. 影响水稻叶片光合日变化因素的分析

    Major Factors on Diurnal Changes of Photosynthetic Rate

  7. 田间棉花叶片呼吸作用对光合日变化的影响

    Effect of Respiration of Cotton Leaves in the Field on Diurnal Course of Photosynthesis

  8. 田间大豆及盆栽大豆光合日变化的比较

    Comparision of Diurnal Variation of Photosynthesis Between Pot Cultured Soybean and Field Cultured Soybean

  9. 水稻的光合日变化呈典型的双峰曲线。

    The daily changes of photosynthesis in rice show a kind of double-peaks ' curve .

  10. 4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程

    Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes

  11. 不同生境条件下黄芩光合日变化与环境因子的关系

    Relationship between diurnal changes of photosynthesis of Scutellaria baicalensis and environmental factors in different habitats

  12. 脱毒骏枣幼树叶片叶绿素含量和光合日变化的研究

    The Study on Chlorophyll Contents and Day Change of Photosynthetic in Virus-free Young Jujube Tree

  13. 加工番茄光合日变化及影响因子的研究

    Studies on the Diurnal Changes of Net Photosynthetic Rate and its Correlation Factors of Processing Tomato

  14. 嫁接茶树及其接穗和砧木品种冬季光合日变化

    Diurnal Variation of Photosynthesis on Grafted Tea Plants and the Corresponding Scion and Stock Varieties in Winter

  15. 嫁接茶树光合日变化曲线单峰、双峰都有出现。

    The curve of diurnal variation of the grafted tea plant photosynthesis showed two and one peaks .

  16. 5晴天,在6~10月份中,赞皇大枣的光合日变化为双峰型。

    For clear days , diurnal changes of Pn of Zanhuang-jujube were double-peaked pattern from June to October .

  17. 在光天花日之下仔细地看一下这些人,就可以发现他们差不多都是同一类型的人。

    A study of these men in broad light proved them to be nearly all of a type .

  18. 其光合日变化有明显的中午降低现象,降低的原因除气孔限制外可能还有光抑制等其它因素。

    Besides stomatal limitation , photoinhibition of photosynthesis was a possible cause of the midday depression in photosynthetic rate .

  19. 灌木、草本层种类光合日进程均为单峰型。

    The diurnal course of Pn of the shrub and herb species in the community were the single peak type .

  20. 其光合日进程均呈双峰型,光合速率的峰值与菌肥施用量呈正相关。

    The photosynthesis process showed similar bimodal curve . The peak of photosynthetic rate was positively correlated with the application .

  21. 3种蕨类植物的光合日变化曲线均呈双峰曲线,有明显的光合午休现象。

    The daily changes of photosynthetic rate in 3 ferns showed double-peak curves , with obvious phenomenon of photosynthetic " noontime rest " .

  22. 在生长季内晴天,三种树种的光合日变化呈双峰或单峰型曲线。

    The photosynthesis diurnal courses of the three trees species were bimodal curve or single-peak curve during clear days of the growing season .

  23. 利用此模型可以计算不同地区日光温室长季节栽培番茄群体不同日期的光合日总量。

    The daily total amount of canopy photosynthesis could be calculated with this model in greenhouse long-season cultivation tomato at different areas and dates .

  24. 在林下这4种优势种幼苗的光合日进程均为单峰曲线,但曲线平缓,峰值不明显。

    In the under-story , all the diurnal photosynthetic variations of seedlings of the dominant species , which were of double-peak type with flat curve .

  25. 在自然条件下,大豆鄂豆8号的光合日变化曲线为双峰型,但中午光合速率下降较少,且下午也具有较高的光合速率;

    Under natural condition , the daily change of photosynthetic rate of soybean show double-peak curves , but there is higher photosynthetic rate in the afternoon .

  26. 研究了在典型高温低湿天气下大豆光合日变化过程中气孔限制和非气孔限制的效应。

    The effect of stomatal and nonstomatal limitation during the diurnal course of photosynthesis was studied in the typical dry and high temperature weather of Shandon Province .

  27. 采用盆栽控制实验方法对不同水分条件下胡杨幼苗的光合日变化以及生长特性进行分析研究。

    The effects of water stress on the photosynthesis and growth characteristics of Populus euphratica seedlings were studied by pot experiment in Aksu Water Balance Station , CAS .

  28. 抗芜菁花叶病毒转基因甘蓝型油菜的研究天祝高寒地区栽培饲用芜菁光合日变化的初步研究

    The preliminary study on dynamic of photosynthesis in two cultivars of turnip ( Brassica rapa ) on Tianzhu alpine grassland Selection of Resistant Strains of Chinese Cabbage to Turnip Mosaic Virus

  29. 结果表明:毛竹夏、秋季的光合日变化为双峰曲线,冬、春季的光合日变化为单峰曲线,气孔部分关闭是引起毛竹夏、秋季光合午睡现象的主要原因;

    The results showed the diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) changed with season , bimodality in summer and autumn , and single peak curve in winter and spring .

  30. 其蓄积量超过海岸松、湿地松、火炬松35~112倍,超过云南松对照种源的15倍,收到较好的引种效果。4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程

    Its timber volume is 3.5 ~ 11.2 times that of P.elliottii , P.taeda , P.pinaster , and 1.5 times that of the check provenance of P.yunnanensis . Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes