
  • 网络Guangming Station;Gwangmyeong Station
  1. 在我们昏暗的家中,她头顶光明的蜡烛站在那里。那就是圣·露西亚,圣·露西亚。

    There in our dark house , appears with lighted candles Saint Lucia , Saint Lucia .

  2. 你是否只待在一个地方,专将光明照给站在你之下的人?

    Do you stay in one place and only shine your light on those who stand beneath you ?

  3. 最后在上述研究成果基础上,规划出深圳市光明新区自行车换乘站及停车场布局方案。

    In the end , on the basis of results of study above , bicycle transfer stations and parking layout scheme of Shenzhen Guangming New District are planned .

  4. 吴晗故居,不仅成为对青少年进行革命教育的好场所,更成为知识分子走光明大道的加油站。

    Former Residence of Wu Han now has become a good place for the revolution education of the youth , and it is also a service station for the intellectuals to walk on a bright road .