
  • 网络Kanchanaburi
  1. 北碧府的若干村庄在本月早些时候报告了禽类中的禽流感暴发。

    Poultry outbreaks in several Kanchanaburi villages were reported earlier this month .

  2. 患者为来自北碧府的一名7岁男童,于10月16日出现症状并于10月19日住院。

    The patient , a7-year-old boy from Kanchanaburi Province , developed symptoms on16 October and was hospitalized on19 October .

  3. 这可以追溯到上百年之前,那时,我们的祖先便开始在炎竹汶府(地名,盛产红宝石和热带水采)和北碧府(地名,位于泰国西部)开采红蓝宝石。

    starting hundreds of years ago when our ancestors mined rubies and sapphires in areas such as Chantaburi and Kanchanaburi .

  4. 如果你喜欢所有的动物并且参观过鼠神庙,那就没有理由不去参观泰国北碧府的老虎寺。

    If you are a truly indiscriminate animal lover but you 've already seen Karni Mata temple ( or rats just aren 't your thing ) , why not visit the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi , Thailand ?