
  1. 通过对华北地震区1900年以来MS≥6.0级地震的周期和蠕变曲线的分析,得出了和粘滞模型一致的结果。

    By analyzing the periods and the creep curve of the earthquakes ( MS ≥ 6.0 ) since 1900 , we obtain the same results as that by the viscoelastic model .

  2. 以中国大陆及邻区、华北地震区和青藏高原北区的拟合k-T关系,对这3个地震区的中一长期地震趋势进行了预测。

    K-T relations of China 's continent and adjacent area , Northern Qing-zang plateau and North China have been fitted , which have been used for middle - and long term seismic trend prediction of the above mentioned three areas .

  3. 华北地震区强震与月相的关系

    The Relationship Between Strong Quakes in North China and the phase of Moon

  4. 华北地震区地震应变能释放的灰色拓扑预测

    Grey topological forecast of seismic strain energy release in seismic areas , North China

  5. 华北地震区地震平静幕持续时间的变化及其解释

    Variation of duration time of seismic quiescence episodes in North China seismic region and its interpretation drama in two acts

  6. 并由此出发对华北地震区第八幕最大地震的发生时间及地震活动区域作了推测。

    Upon this correspondence the time and the active area of the strongest earthquake in the 8th episode is predicted .

  7. 基于这一思想,文中研究了华北地震区、我国西部及其邻区以及全国26个地震带的地震幕式活动。

    Based on this idea , authors studied the episodic activity of earthquakes in North China , the western past of China and its vicinity and 26 earthquake zones in the country .

  8. 本文通过对华北地震区第三、第四活动期强震(M≥63/4)的时序演进和震场迁移进行了对比分析,发现这两个活动期的强震之间存在着时序对应关系。

    By comparing and analysing the time ordering and space distribution of the strong earthquakes ( M ≥ 6.75 ) during third and fourth active periods in North China , it is found that there exist a corresponding relationship between the time orders of the active periods .

  9. 在描述事件非稳态泊松过程的基本统计特征及其与稳态泊松过程差别的基础上,将非稳态泊松过程应用在华北地震区汾渭带和华北平原地震带的中长期地震预测研究中。

    This paper describes the basic statistical characteristics of non stationary Poisson process of the events and differences between non stationary and stationary Poisson processes , and applies the non stationary Poisson process to study the long and medium term probabilistic earthquake prediction in North China seismic area .

  10. 通过分区分析预测华北地震危险区

    Prediction to the risk region of earthquake in north China through zoning analysis

  11. 华北近期地震危险区的确定要素和综合图象识别

    Factors of determining seismic risk areas in the near future and pattern recognition in North China

  12. 华北地区地震低烈度区面积与震级的关系式

    The relation between magnitude and the area of low intensity of earthquakes in North China

  13. 华北地区烈度衰减模型建立及其用于震中区域和震级的定量估算并由此出发对华北地震区第八幕最大地震的发生时间及地震活动区域作了推测。

    Development of seismic intensity attenuation model in North China and its application to quantitative estimation of earthquake location and magnitude Upon this correspondence the time and the active area of the strongest earthquake in the 8th episode is predicted .