
  • 网络Guidance System;Signs System;Wayfinding System
  1. 所以,图形符号的设计是导向系统设计的核心,对它进行研究对于整个导向系统的设计应用具有积极的现实意义。

    Thus , the designing of graphics symbol is the key of Signs System Designing , and the research of it is important for the whole Signs System .

  2. 导向系统中的图形符号设计研究

    The Research of Pictogram Design in the Signs System

  3. 基于DSP的AGV视觉导向系统研究

    Vision-Guided System of AGV Based on DSP

  4. AGV(AutomaticGuidedVehicle)即自动引导车,是一种装备有独立动力源,有自动导向系统的无人驾驶运输车。

    AGV ( Automatic Guided Vehicle ) is an unmanned carrier equipped with an independent power source and automatic guidance system .

  5. PPS导向系统在TBM中的应用

    Application of PPS orientating system to tunneling with TBM

  6. (拖拉机)引导电缆式自动导向系统电缆隧道巡检AGV视觉导引技术的研究

    Lead-cable automatic guidance system Study on vision-guided technology for cable channel routing inspection AGV

  7. 自动导引车(AGV)是一种以电池为动力源,有自动导向系统的无人驾驶运输车。

    Automated Guided Vehicle ( AGV ) is an unmanned carrier , which is equipped with battery as power source and automatic guidance system .

  8. 盾构VMT导向系统

    Guided system VMT of shield machine

  9. TBM的PPS定位、导向系统,可为TBM确切位置和掘进方向定位,为操作手提供TBM偏离轴线的信息。

    The PPS orientating system for tunneling can make a precise orientation for TBM and its tunneling direction by provide the related information of tunneling error from TBM to the operator .

  10. 基于CDMA1X的磁浮列车悬浮导向系统远程监控的设计与实现

    Design and implement of remote monitoring for the levitation and guidance system of maglev train based on CDMA 1X

  11. 然后建立整车动力学模型,并利用多体动力学软件(ADAMS)对其进行动力学分析,由安装在滑动基座内部的可伸缩弹簧的弹簧力变化得出巡检车在通过曲线轨道时导向系统的动态极限载荷。

    Based on vehicle model built before , then , dynamics analysis by multibody software ( ADAMS ) was developed . Dynamic loads of the guide system were obtained from the force of the spring laid in the guide slide block .

  12. 现代汽车上一般都装有发动机控制、自动驾驶、ABS、TRC、自动锁车门、主动式悬架、导向系统等装置,这些装置都需要汽车的转速信号作为控制依据。

    Modern cars are generally equipped with the devices such as engine control , automatic driving , ABS , TRC , automatic door locks , active suspension , guidance system etc. These devices are in need of rotational speed signal .

  13. 配备自动定压同步注浆系统,并设有备用的注浆管路。配备SLS一TAPD自动测量导向系统,可适时测控盾构机姿态和管片拼装精度。

    Data gathering and teletransmission system can be office managing tunneling , it 's fitted with automatic synchronous pouring system of confirmed pressure and SLS-T APD automatic measuring and guiding system , which can control posture of the shield and assembly accuracy of segments .

  14. 介绍了采用一流导向系统、双机铸造板坯宽度达2×1600mm,单机铸造板坯最大宽度为3500mm新型板坯连铸机技术的可能性。

    This paper describes a new slab caster technology with which twin casting of a slab width up to 2 × 1600 mm and a single casting width with a maximum width of 3500 mm are possible with one strand guidance system .

  15. 导向系统译为英文是wayfindingsignagesystem,其存在的功能应该是具有连续性的、并且是具有一套完整系统的,并且它可以利用周围的各种元素、符号、图形来传递它想表达的信息。

    Orientation system for English translation is " wayfinding signagesystem ", its existing functions should be continuity , and is a complete system with , and it canuse all sorts of elements , symbols around , graphics to deliver it to express information .

  16. 机电伺服触觉式秸秆导向系统试验研究

    Study on Feeler Based Guidance System with Electro-Mechanical Servo Following Stubble

  17. 广州市轨道交通乘客导向系统研究

    Study on the Passenger Guiding System in Guangzhou Urban Rail Transit

  18. 精密导向系统的研究。

    The precise direction guidance system of shield tunneling is studied .

  19. 盾构机激光导向系统原理

    The principle of laser navigation system of the tunnel boring machine

  20. 无障碍导向系统设计浅谈

    The Research on Guidance System Design of Barrier - Free

  21. 城市轨道交通视觉导向系统的设计体系研究

    The Design of Visual Guide System in Urban Mass Transit

  22. 导向系统中视觉信息符号的设计与传播

    Visual Information Symbols Design and Dissemination in the Oriented System

  23. 录井导向系统跟踪图模块设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Tracing Model in Steering Mud Logging System

  24. 以人为本的城市公共空间数字化导向系统设计

    Design of People-oriented Digital Guidance System for Urban Public Space

  25. 目前市场上的胶囊内窥镜都没有外部控制和导向系统,胶囊的运动仅依赖于肠道蠕动。

    The movement of the capsule depends solely on the peristalsis system .

  26. 城市地下商业街空间导向系统设计探讨

    Design of space guiding system of urban underground business street

  27. 旅客导向系统是铁路客运站的重要组成部分。

    Study on Railway Passenger Service System for passenger station ;

  28. 盾构机自动导向系统的测量方法研究

    Study of Measure Methods of the Automatic Guiding System of Shield Machine

  29. 城市视觉信息导向系统是人们获得信息的重要来源。

    City guiding system has become an indispensable source of visual information .

  30. 某型轨道巡检车导向系统的强度分析

    Strength analysis of guide system for a track inspection vehicle