
  • 网络The Beverly Hills Hotel;Manor Hotel
  1. 比佛利山庄酒店的传统一直对我有重大影响。

    The tradition of the Beverly Hills Hotel always mattered to me .

  2. 在比佛利山庄酒店召开的新闻发布会中,杰西·马卡特尼和朱莉安·哈克与莱米尔一同宣布了各项提名得主和将在颁奖礼上献唱的艺人。

    Jesse McCartney and Julianne Hough joined Kimmel to announce the nominees and performers during a press conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel .

  3. 无论是商务洽谈、专业会议还是休闲度假,莲花山庄酒店是您的理想选择。

    The Lotus Villa Hotel is the ideal address and a perfect choice for business , conference or leisure .

  4. 东莞长安莲花山庄酒店是一家集客房、餐饮、商务、会议、娱乐、度假等多功能的五星级酒店。

    The Lotus Villa Hotel is a5-star hotel integrated with Guestrooms , Food and Beverage , Conference , Recreation and Vacationing .

  5. 离家多日,又经过紧张的赛事,在离开杭州的前两天,获奖选手应邀下榻达盟山庄酒店公寓。

    Away from home so many days and after experiencing tense matches , the winners were invited to live in Diamond resort two days before they left Hangzhou .

  6. 盘龙山庄大酒店员工绩效管理体系研究

    The Research on Employee Performance Management System of Paragon Hotel

  7. 那天在比弗利山庄蒙特罗斯酒店派对现场,尽管二人没有坐在同一桌,但有人看到他们在一起聊天。

    Despite being seated at separate tables at the glitzy affair at the Montrose Hotel in Beverly Hills , the couple were seen having a civil conversation .

  8. “至尊精选”系列中除了这座城堡酒店外,还包括了威尼斯的格里提宫酒店,巴黎的加勒王子酒店以及贝弗利山庄的SLS酒店。

    TheCastle Hotel joins other properties in The Luxury Collection including TheGritti Palace , Venice , Prince de Galles in Paris , and the SLS HotelBeverly Hills .

  9. 多媒体制片公司伊莱克图斯(Electus)的总裁本·席尔瓦曼(BenSilverman)回忆五年前曾与韦恩斯坦在贝弗利山庄的半岛酒店屋顶花园共进午餐,两人聊起公共版权领域内一些能吸引跨文化观众兴趣的精彩故事。

    Ben Silverman , chairman of the multimedia studio Electus , recalled having lunch with Mr. Weinstein about five years ago at the rooftop garden of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills , talking about great stories in the public domain that would intrigue viewers across cultures .

  10. 美国著名歌星惠特妮•休斯顿在美国洛杉矶比弗利山庄内的希尔顿酒店去世,享年48岁。

    US singer and actress Whitney Houston has died at the age of 48 , in the Beverly Hilton Hotel , where she was staying as a guest .

  11. 48岁的惠特尼于今年格莱美颁奖典礼前夜在洛杉矶比弗利山庄内的希尔顿酒店去世,她生前一直在与毒瘾斗争。

    The 48-year-old singer , who spent years battling addiction to drugs including cocaine , was found submerged in the bathtub of her Beverly Hills hotel room on February 12 , the eve of the Grammy Awards .

  12. 然而这在贝弗利山庄可行不通。这是一处地标性建筑,贝弗利山庄酒店是连锁酒店的一部分。

    Not at Beverly Hills . A landmark there , the Beverly Hills Hotel is part of the hotel chain .