
  1. 大别山西部蓝闪榴辉岩U-Pb测年

    U_Pb Zircon Dating of Glaucophane Eclogites from western Dabie Mountain

  2. 喜马拉雅山西部Askot野生动物保护区内粗木质残体沿山高度分布格局与现状

    Status and distribution pattern of coarse woody debris along an altitudinal gradient in Askot Wildlife Sanctuary , Uttarakhand , West Himalaya

  3. 论宝山西部铜钼铅锌银矿床地质特征及找矿预测

    Geological Conditions of Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit and Prospecting Prediction in the Western Baoshan Mine

  4. 天目山西部杉木多形地位指数表的编制

    Preparation of site-index table for Chinese fir in the West Tianmu Mountain Area

  5. 龙泉山西部坡丘区旅游开发模式探讨

    Discussion on Development Model of Mountainous & Hilly Area in the West of Longquan Mountain

  6. 这并非是因为该州盛产钻石,而是因为该州认为自己是落基山西部山脉上的一颗明珠。

    This is not because it has diamonds but because it believes it is the jewel of the western Rocky Mountains .

  7. 根据大陆传媒报导,深圳特区政府已于2005年宣布开始挖掘铜鼓航道,连接大屿山西部与蛇口。

    According to mainland media reports , the Shenzhen government announced and started dredging for , the Tonggu Channel running from the west of Lantau to Shekou in2005 .

  8. 临汾500kV变电站投运对山西南部电网的影响

    Influence on Shanxi South Network when Linfen 500 kV Substation is in Operation

  9. 本文通过对山西东南部某电厂2×600MW火电机组的分析,对其建设项目进行了前期评价。

    Based on the depth analysis of 2 × 600MW Power Units in Southeastern of Shanxi , the paper pre-evaluation the project .

  10. 采用χ2检验、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析三种分析方法研究了山西南部辽东栎的种间关系,测定了在群落中的44个优势种的种间联结性和相关性。

    χ 2-test , the Pearson correlation analysis and the Spearman rank correlation were used to analyze the interspecific relationship of in the south of Shanxi . The interspecific relationship of 44 dominant species were determined in communities .

  11. 山西南部山体建筑空间形态分析

    Analysis of the Mountain Building Space Form in the South Shanxi Province

  12. 山西西南部黄土地形发育和地形区划

    Geomorphology of the Loess Plateau of South - Western Shansi

  13. 山西南部一次暴雨过程的湿位涡分析

    Analysis of Moist Potential Vorticity of a Rainstorm Process in South Shanxi

  14. 山西南部1.2MaB.P.的地貌转型事件

    Geomorphic Transformational Event Around 1.2 Ma B.P. in the Southern Shanxi Province

  15. 2006年山西南部小麦吸浆虫发生特点及原因分析

    Wheat Midge Occurrence Characteristics and Reason at South of ShanXi in 2006

  16. 古县位于山西南部,临汾东北。

    Ancient County is located in southern Shanxi , Linfen , north-east .

  17. 山西中南部电网运行方式及发展趋势的探讨

    Research on Question and Suggestion of Shanxi South-Middle Power System

  18. 山西中南部山西组晚石炭世双壳类的发现

    Discovery of Late Carboniferous Bivalves from Shanxi formation in Central and South Shanxi

  19. 山西中南部电网稳定控制对策研究

    Stability Control Countermeasure Research of Shanxi Medium-south Electric Network

  20. 山西中南部通道引入长治地区方案构想及工程经济性研究

    Research of economic and solutions drawing into Changzhi area of shanxi Mid-south-part railway

  21. 山西中南部流体前兆异常调查报告

    Report of Investigation and Study on Precursor Anomalies of the Centric-South Area in Shanxi

  22. 山西南部春旱特征分析

    Analysis on the Features of the Spring Drought in South Part of Shanxi Province

  23. 浅析山西中南部重力测量及异常变化

    Simple Analysis for Gravity Survey and Anomalous Variation in Mid South Part of Shanxi

  24. 山西南部脱皮榆群落生态特征及其物种多样性的研究

    Study on Ulmus lamellosa Community Characteristics and Species Diversity in the South of Shanxi

  25. 山西中南部设施条件下土壤养分状况及生物特征研究

    Study on Soil Nutrient and Microbe Characteristic under Greenhouse Cultivation in Middle-South Shanxi Province

  26. 山西中北部地区地震与太阳黑子活动关系分析

    Analysis on Relationship between Earthquakes in Middle North Region of Shanxi and Activities of Macula

  27. 山西南部脱皮榆种群生态位的研究

    Study on niche of population of Ulmus lamellosa in the south area of Shanxi province

  28. 山西南部地木耳群落特征及其资源分布的研究

    Studies on the community feature and resource distribution of Nostoc commune in the southern Shanxi Province

  29. 山西南部和豫北古近系地层特征对比

    Stratum Characteristics and Comparison of Ancient and Near Between the South of Shanxi and the North of Henan Province

  30. 山西中南部盆地立地区造林模式研究&山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅹ)

    Afforestation Models of Basin Regions of Middle-south Shanxi Province & Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province (ⅹ)