
shān zhōnɡ
  • in the mountains
  1. 山中有野兽。

    There are wild beasts in the mountains .

  2. 飞机在山中坠毁。

    The plane crashed in the mountains .

  3. 那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。

    The road continues beyond the village up into the hills .

  4. 他们本可退到山中要塞埃利里去。

    They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri .

  5. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

    The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .

  6. 一群游客被困在山中。

    A cluster of tourists was surrounded in the hill .

  7. 他们在山中扎营。

    They pitched a camp in the mountain .

  8. 铁路在群山中上下逶迤。

    The railway winds through the mountains .

  9. 葡萄沟所在的山场周围,为碣石山中的名胜古迹又一荟萃之地。

    Grape Valley where the mountain field around the monuments for the Jieshi Shan another meet .

  10. 自从进山中探险以来,他一直靠这段经历维生。

    Ever since his adventure in the mountains , he has been dining off the story .

  11. 庄子对着山中一棵因大而无用而免遭砍伐的大叔叹息说:“这棵树恰巧由其不成材而享有天年。”

    Zhuangzi sighed at a big tree in the forest that escaped the destiny of being chopped due to its uselessness . He said , " it is its uselessness that the tree could have the chance to enjoy its natural span of life . "

  12. 留着胡须的毛拉在一座藏匿于山中的秘密核设施里监视着旋转的离心机脑海中的这幅画面听上去像是詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片里的某个场景。

    The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film .

  13. 由于我喜欢与z一同做事情我远离人群每天单独待在山中因此我能发现一个明显的涡流。

    As I like to do things with Z-I left my human friends and spent time alone in the mountains each day-so I could find a clear vortex .

  14. 这种新西兰土生土长的鹦鹉只能在SouthIsland岛上的山中或附近的地方找到。在这里它们生活在高海拔的山毛榉森林,以及延生到了雪线的开放亚高山药草区域。

    Native to New Zealand , the birds are found only in or near South Island mountains , where they live in high-altitude beech forest and open sub-alpine herb fields that stretch up into the snow line .

  15. 采用样方法取样,依据重要值指标运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)法,将山西中条山中段植被群系分成16个群丛。

    62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .

  16. 新型捕收剂T-2K在铜矿山中的应用

    The applications of new collector t-2k in copper mines

  17. 进而采用网格分析法和GIS技术结合的方法,针对黑河流域所在的祁连山中东部的降水分布,进行年降雨量分布的拟合研究,着重分析了模拟雨量场在空间上的复杂变化。

    By combining grid analysis method , GIS technology , as well as aiming at rainfall distribution in the middle and east of Qilian mountains , the fitting study of annual rainfall is done and the complex variation of simulated rainfall in space is analyzed .

  18. 他在2013年领导的一项研究发表在《当代生物学》杂志(CurrentBiology)上,该研究显示了没有夜间灯光可以造成多大的改变:在山中露营一周后,参与者的身体比平常提前了两个小时开始准备进入睡眠状态。

    A 2013 study he led , published in the journal Current Biology , showed just how different things can be without nighttime lights : After participants had camped in the mountains for a week , their bodies began to prepare for sleep about two hours earlier than normal .

  19. 祁连山中部地区40a来气候变化及其对径流的影响

    Impact of Climate Change on the Alpine Streamflow During the Past 40 a in the Middle Part of the Qilian Mountains , Northwestern China

  20. 在从希思罗飞往苏黎世的英国航空(britishairways)航班上,暴风雨引起的上升和下降气流,使我们的飞机在着陆时震荡得非常厉害,我认定我们会摔到下面山中古色古香的房子里去。

    On a British Airways flight from Heathrow To Zurich , our approach into the airport was so violent due to the up - and down-drafts caused by a thunderstorm that I was sure we were going to be thrown into the quaint houses in the hills below .

  21. Jerome认为,大博尔山也是其中的一座「山」,耶稣在那里发表了他的就职演说,即所谓的「山中圣训」(玛五1)。

    Jerome , a resident in Palestine , thought that Tabor was also the " mountain " where Jesus proclaimed His inaugural discourse , sometimes called the " discourse on the mountain "( Mt5,1ff ) .

  22. 假定岩体冷却和地温梯度降低同步,估算出武功山中生代岩体的原始侵位深度为6km。

    Postulating the rock cooled in step with the decreasing of geothermal gradient , this text estimates that the primitive intruding depth of the granite body is 6 km .

  23. “哄抢行为显示,这些人不幸福,这让我为他们感到遗憾,”邻近富士山的小镇山中湖村(yamanakako)的家庭主妇mikihanba表示。

    " The looting shows that they are not happy people , which makes me feel sorry for them , " says Miki hanba , a housewife in Yamanakako Town , near Mount Fuji .

  24. 接着,山中在2007年发表了第二篇论文表明成熟的人体皮肤细胞可经重编程回到胚胎诱导多能干细胞(ipsc)状态,这导致许多患者干细胞系的产生。

    Yamanaka then published a second paper in 2007 , showing that adult human skin cells could be reprogrammed to the embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem cell ( IPSC ) state and this has lead to the generation of stem cell lines from numerous patients .

  25. 祁连山中段夏季(6&8月)平均气温以1986年为转折年,后18年较前11年平均下降1℃,零平衡线下降88m。

    The average summer ( from June to August ) air temperature is 1 ℃ lower and zero-equilibrium line 88 m lower in the 18 years after 1968 than that in the 11 years before 1968 in the middle part of Qilian Mountains .

  26. 昆仑山中段策勒西南冲洪积扇上的古地震形变带总体走向北东,长约40km,最宽有6km。

    On the alluvial and diluvial fan in the middle part of Kunlun Mountain , namely , the southwest of Cele , Xinjiang , there is an above 40 km long , 3 to 6 km wide , 70 ° general strike paleoearthquake deformation belt .

  27. 一个土匪头子逃入山中逍遥法外。

    A bandit leader was on the loose in the hills .

  28. 祁连山中寒武世牙形石动物群、古生态和板块构造

    Middle Cambrian conodont fauna , paleoecology and tectonics of Qilian Mountain

  29. 山中的小湖,尤其指因冰河而形成的山中小湖。

    A mountain lake ( especially one formed by glaciers ) .

  30. 盲人国里,独眼为王。(山中无老虎猴子称霸王)

    In the kingdom of blind men the one-eyed is king .