
  • 网络Sarmatian;Sarmatians;Sarmates;Sarmatia
  1. 俄罗斯人从何而来?究竟又是何时成为如今的俄罗斯人?科学家们意见不一,也无从回答。诺曼人、斯基泰人、萨尔马特人和南西伯利亚乌孙人里都有俄罗斯人的祖先。

    Scientists still cannot agree on their origins and answer the question when Russians became Russian.The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans , Scythians , and Sarmatians , and even the South Siberian Usuns .

  2. 萨尔马特人有许多秘密。也许他们是母系社会,一些科学家认为俄罗斯卡柯史尼克(卡柯史尼克头冠)就是萨尔马特人发明的。萨尔马特人有人工颅骨变形的传统,让人可以拥有鸡蛋形状的头颅。

    The Sarmatians left a lot of secrets.Perhaps they had matriarchy , some scientists suppose that Russian kokoshnik was invented by the Sarmatians.These people had a tradition of an artificial skull deformation , that enabled people to have egg-shaped heads .