
pínɡ ɡuǒ ní
  • Apple puree;apple butter
  1. 喜欢的话,可以跟上适量苹果泥一起食用。

    Sprinkle powdered sugar and serve with apple compote if desired .

  2. 可以和苹果泥或是拌以香草汁食用。

    Serve with apple compote or vanilla sauce .

  3. 结论新鲜苹果泥能预防和改善长期管饲患者的腹胀与便秘症状。

    Conclusion Fresh apple pulp can prevent and reduce abdominal distention and constipation in patients with tube feeding .

  4. 另外拿一个大盆,把鸡蛋和糖先打发,然后再加入酸奶,苹果泥和香草精。拌匀。

    In a separate bowl , mix the egg and sugar then add the yogurt , applesauce , and vanilla .

  5. 比较不同添加物(苹果泥、香蕉泥、活性炭)及浓度对文心兰原球茎增殖和分化的影响。

    The effects of different additives ( apple juice , banana juice , activated carbon ) and concentrations on the proliferation and differentiation were compared .

  6. “我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。

    " I 'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes ," the first man said .

  7. 它也很有戏剧性:有时我会割过一块落满了苹果的草地,苹果泥就会从割草机里喷出来,散发着香甜气味的粘液呈现出一道惊人的弧线。

    It was dramatic , too : Sometimes I 'd plow through a field of fallen apples and applesauce would spew out of the mower in a shocking arc of sweet-smelling goo .