
pínɡ ɡuǒ jiànɡ
  • applesauce
  1. 一种主要用于做馅饼、苹果酱等的苹果。

    An apple used primarily in cooking for pies and applesauce etc.

  2. 而墨水感觉像是苹果酱看起来却像糖霜一样。

    The " ink " feels like applesauce and looks like icing .

  3. 我奶奶送给我们一些苹果酱。

    My gran 's given us some apple jam .

  4. HACCP系统及其在苹果酱制品生产中的应用

    HACCP system and its application in the production of apple jam

  5. 她坐着用匙给婴儿喂苹果酱。

    She sat spooning apple puree into the baby 's mouth .

  6. 小料无花果酱,芒果酱,苹果酱,生梨酱。

    Fig chutney , mango chutney , apple chutney , pear chutney .

  7. 苹果酱加工中褐变利用研究与探讨

    Application and research of browning in apple jam processing

  8. 把它们变成苹果酱或苹果汁。

    Change them into apple butter or apple juice .

  9. 谁知道1克苹果酱到底有多少吗?

    Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce look like ?

  10. 当他在50年前退休后,便开始在家中养花、自制水果蔬菜罐头和苹果酱。

    He enjoyed gardening , canning fruits and vegetables and making homemade applesauce .

  11. 莱尼勺了些苹果酱放进他嘴里,但留在他舌下。

    Lenny spooned some applesauce in his mouth and it remained on his tongue .

  12. 我们不想去小吃摊吃什么猪肉卷有苹果酱也不要

    We don 't want to eat pork rolls at a stall even with apple sauce

  13. 我去苹果酱货架那兜兜

    I 'm in the applesauce aisle !

  14. 苹果酱夹心的潮湿辣味蛋糕。

    Moist spicy cake containing applesauce .

  15. “口袋猪”家的猪肉三明治挺不错的里面还有苹果酱

    The Pig in a Poke does a nice hog roast in a bun with apple sauce

  16. 苹果酱是能够让松饼美味而湿润,同时保持低脂肪含量的绝佳选择。

    The apple sauce is a great low fat way of making the muffins nice and moist !

  17. 我想洗个澡但是忘记了我们昨晚在里面做苹果酱。

    I wanted to take a shower but I forgot we made applesauce in it last night .

  18. 把西葫芦烤成蛋糕和松饼,用苹果酱代替一些黄油或酥油。

    Bake zucchini into cakes and muffins , and substitute some of the butter or shortening with applesauce .

  19. 苹果酱也是一个很好的选择,可以让你的孩子吃一点水果。

    Applesauce is also a good choice , you can allow your child to eat a little fruit .

  20. 您点了一杯加奶咖啡,一个煮鸡蛋,两个圆面包,苹果酱和黄油。

    So , that 's on white coffee , one boiled egg , two rolls , apple jam and butter .

  21. 要做苹果酱,你必须削去苹果皮,只用果肉。

    To make apple sauce , you have to remove the skins from the apples and use only the flesh .

  22. “我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。

    " I 'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes ," the first man said .

  23. 她说,母亲把菜园中的大量收成做成罐头,使家里一年到头都能吃上味道鲜美的蕃茄、苹果酱和大黄。

    She canned a lot of its yield so the family had fresh-tasting tomatoes , applesauce and rhubarb throughout the year .

  24. 他们只列出你应该吃的东西,例如半棵芹菜,4.5克苹果酱。

    They only have charts listing things you could eat , like half a piece of celery of4.5 grams of applesause .

  25. 如果你在销售的是苹果酱,问一问消费者他们对于苹果酱都喜欢什么、不喜欢什么;

    If it 's applesauce you are selling , ask consumers about what they like about applesauce and what they don 't ;

  26. 我想要变老因为有些东西比如说苹果酱就十分值得期�

    I want to get older.Because there are things ... for example , there are things to look forward to like applesauce .

  27. 浆果和苹果酱放入碗中,微波高火一分钟。

    Put the berries and applesauce into the bowl . Microwave , covered , on high ( 100 % ) for1 minute .

  28. 看到他们有多开心了吗满满都是幸福啊他们还没吃苹果酱呢就这么开心别误会我的话

    See how happy they were ? They were happy.They weren 't eat applesauce , just happy.And don 't get me wrong .

  29. 回家的路上一直都很安静,直到有人把午餐吃剩下来的苹果酱扔出去。

    We were on the way home , everything was peaceful until someone saved some applesauce from lunch and decided to throw it .

  30. 星巴克表示,已将其部分中国门店出售的鸡肉苹果酱帕尼尼产品下架,原因是该产品的供应商采用了上海福喜的鸡肉原料。

    Starbucks said it withdrew a chicken applesauce panini available at some of its Chinese stores because its supplier used chicken ingredients from Shanghai Husi .