
měi ɡuó ɡuó jiā yī xué tú shū ɡuǎn
  • National Library of Medicine
  1. 据美国国家医学图书馆(NationalLibraryofMedicine)的MedlinePlus服务称,确保安全的关键在于泥土的量只有“一点点”,而且它们最好没有受到杀虫剂、化肥、铅涂料,特别是寄生虫的污染。

    The key to staying safe is " a little bit , " and preferably dirt that is not contaminated by things like insecticide , fertilizer , flakes of lead paint and especially parasites , according to Medline Plus , a service of the National Library of Medicine .

  2. 3名学生先从茶叶中提取DNA,进行扩增,送去测序,然后将测序结果与美国国家医学图书馆GenBank数据库中已有的序列进行对比。

    The high schoolers extracted and amplified the tea DNA and then sent it to a sequencing facility . They then compared the sequences they got back with known sequences listed in the GenBank database maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine .

  3. 美国国家医学图书馆的数据库显示,今年发表的关于食品上瘾的科研论文已有28篇。

    Twenty-eight scientific studies and papers on food addiction have been published this year , according to a National Library of Medicine database .

  4. 沃特曼最近已得到了美国国家医学图书馆和国家科学基金的批准开发他的程序。

    Altman has greenfly been awarded grants by the National Library of Medicine and by the National Science Foundation to develop his system .

  5. 美国国家医学图书馆国立卫生研究院的一项最新元研究探讨了拥有“崇高的目标”会对健康产生的影响。

    A recent meta-study in the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health looked at the impact of having a " higher purpose " can have on health .