
  • 网络American Juniors;American Teen;Boys Nation;Brandon Bassir;Kids in America
  1. “精神日”是一名美国少年于2010年在听到年轻人因遭受霸凌而自杀的新闻后发起的。

    Spirit Day was started by an American teen in2010 as a response to news of young people who had taken their lives after being bullied .

  2. 罗伯特·考米尔&扰乱美国少年文学世界的人

    Robert Cormier & The One Who Dares to Disturb the Universe

  3. 美国少年司法变迁中的正当法律程序改革及其借鉴

    Reform and Inspiration of Proper Legal Procedure in American Juvenile Judicial Transformation

  4. 这位非裔美国少年的死亡引发了对种族偏见的抗议。

    The death of the African-American teen sparked protests over racial profiling .

  5. 美国少年美容品市场正在逐步壮大。

    The market for Tween beauty products is growing .

  6. 是美国少年童子军的成员的男孩。

    A boy who is a member of the Boy Scouts of America .

  7. 20世纪美国少年文学回顾

    20 th century American young adult literature in retrospect

  8. 美国少年儿童田径竞赛训练体制及特点分析

    System and characteristics of youth track and field competition and training in the USA

  9. 美国少年司法的新近发展

    The Recent Developments on American Juvenile Justice

  10. 事实上,在美国少年文学作品中,局外人形象广泛存在。

    Actually , there are a lot of images of outsiders in American young adult novels .

  11. 美国少年中人类免疫缺陷病毒感染

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in Teenagers

  12. 像许多美国少年一样,杰妮和琳达也打算和朋友们一起度过一段美好时光。

    Jenny and Linda , like many American teenagers , plan to have a good time .

  13. 这种折中主义的走势将继续成为美国少年司法未来发展中的明显特色。

    That compromising method will continue to be a feature of the American juvenile justice system in the future .

  14. 国家亲权理论与少年司法&以美国少年司法为中心的研究几年来,中美两国关系经历了不少曲折。

    On State Parental Power Theory And Juvenile Justice ; Sino-US relations saw many detours over the past years .

  15. 该5名非裔美国少年涉嫌在06年殴打一位白种人同学,该案件引起了美国国内的广泛关注。

    The case of six African-American teens being arrested for beating a white classmate in 2006 gained national attention .

  16. 美国少年比中国少年发育早,年以他们第一次约会时间相对早于中国少年。

    American teenager earlier than the Chinese Youth Development , a relatively long time for their first date in the Chinese Young .

  17. 美国少年审判机构以独立的少年法院为典型,因各州立法的不同,少年法院机构设置有多种类型。

    The independent juvenile court is typical in the U.S.A juvenile court institutions , but for the different state legislation , there are many types of juvenile court institutions .

  18. 本文还涉及到意识形态、政治策略和媒体对少年司法的公共政策的影响问题,最后探讨了将来美国少年司法领域中可能出现的争议。

    The influences of ideology , politics , and the media on public policy are discussed , and we will discuss future issues in American juvenile justice . Credit Metrics developed by J.

  19. 两国少年警察制度在机构设置、管辖范围和处理程序上面都有不同;第二部分美国少年法院的庭前审查制度与中国少年检察制度的比较。

    They are different in the institutions , the jurisdiction , and the procedures . The second part is about the comparison between the U.S.A pre-trial review system and the Chinese juvenile prosecution system .

  20. 寒山诗歌及寒山形象受到垮掉一代和嬉皮士两代美国少年的追捧。

    The English version of Han Shan poems together with new Han Shan image is greatly acclaimed by two generations of the young Americans , namely the " Beat Generation " and " hippies " .

  21. 美国少年司法理念有着悠久的思想渊源,刑事法思想的演进、儿童观的形成、国家亲权思想等是美国少年司法理念的思想基础。

    The concept of juvenile justice in the U.S.A has its ideological origins for a long time , which is based on the evolution of the criminal law ideology , the formation of concept for children , and the thinking such as parental authority belongs to the State .

  22. 入选美国国家少年体育队的选拔赛

    tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

  23. 2007年,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,UCLA)的研究人员发表了一项研究,该研究发现,芬兰青少年中ADHD以及认知功能障碍和相关情绪障碍如抑郁症等的发病率与美国青少年中的几乎完全相同。

    In 2007 , researchers at the University of California , Los Angeles , published a study finding that the incidence of A.D.H.D. among teenagers in Finland , along with difficulties in cognitive functioning and related emotional disorders like depression , were virtually identical to rates among teenagers in the United States .

  24. 美国是少年司法制度的发源地,美国少年司法制度经过一个世纪多的发展,至今为止已经形成了一套相对完备的少年司法体系。

    The United States is the birthplace of the juvenile justice system . After a century of development , the United States has formed a relatively comprehensive juvenile justice system .

  25. 借鉴美国的少年司法制度经验,以美国的家事法院为蓝本建立了以家庭法院为工作中心的司法机构,拥有相当大的处理犯罪少年案件的管辖权。

    Follow the example of family court in the United States , established in the center of the family court for judicial work , in dealing with juvenile delinquency cases have jurisdiction .

  26. 美国已远远少年在职生活条件比任何其他国家都-2387。

    THE United States has far more juveniles serving life terms than any other country & 2387 .

  27. 在美国,许多少年因在校园开枪伤人而被逮捕并关进少年管教所。

    Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory for shooting on campus .

  28. 这名来自于美国加州的少年计划在今后几年里,征服各大洲上的7座最高峰。

    The teenager , from California , plans in the coming years to conquer the seven highest summits in each continent .

  29. 据比林斯说,美国和日本少年开始玩球的年龄过小,因此大运动量打球的年头更长。

    Both American and Japanese youth are beginning to play ball at younger ages and thus tend to be playing more intensely for more years , according to Billings .

  30. 由于热衷于向美国的学龄少年提供汉语课程,甚至某些美国学术团体中以汉语为母语的人士已流失殆尽。

    Interest in offering Mandarin to young , school-age children in the United States has even resulted in a shortage of native Chinese speakers in some academically-focused American communities .