
yào diàn
  • pharmacy;drugstore;chemist;chemist's shop;chemists shop;druggist;medical hall
药店 [yào diàn]
  • [pharmacy;drugstore;chemists shop] 专门经营和销售药物的商店

药店[yào diàn]
  1. 关于构建药店GSP认证评估指标体系的探讨

    On the Setup of Evaluation Index System of Drugstore GSP Authentication

  2. 方法:移植公共政策评估方法和政策德尔菲法,分析药店gsp认证评估指标体系的结构和初步评估指标。

    Methods : the framework of evaluation index system of drugstore GSP authentication and the elementary evaluation index were analyzed by transplanting the method of public policy evaluation method and Delphi technique .

  3. 我回家时顺便要去药店一趟。

    I 'll call in at the chemist 's on my way home .

  4. 那药店卖维生素补剂。

    They sell vitamin supplements at the pharmacist 's.

  5. 有些药店在配发顺势疗法的药物时给出了错误或不当的建议。

    Some shops gave wrong or inadequate advice when dispensing homeopathic medicines

  6. 她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。

    She went into a chemist 's and bought some aspirin .

  7. 很多能够消除这种感染的药膏在药店就能买到。

    There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection

  8. 药店销量增加了63%。

    Chemist stores upped sales by 63 percent

  9. 生病了但不严重、无需求医的时候,药店能帮上大忙。

    Pharmacists are a godsend when you don 't feel sick enough to call the doctor .

  10. 如果药店没有你想要的药品,让他们为你订购。

    If your pharmacy doesn 't stock the product you want , have them order it for you

  11. 这儿有一家离邓费里斯不远的药店。

    There 's a chemist 's shop not a hundred miles from dumfries .

  12. 《意见》指出,在定点零售药店购买药品、医疗器械、医用耗材发生的由个人负担的费用也可由职工个人医保账户支付。

    Their expenses incurred stores can also be covered , the guideline said .

  13. 他出售他自己的秘药,因而他总是避开药店的大门

    He vends his own secret medicines , so he keeps away from the doors of the druggists .

  14. 柳宗元派人去药店买来获菩,煎成汤药喝了下去。

    Liu Zongyuan sent someone to buy fining from a herbal medicine shop , boiled it and drank the decoction .

  15. 卷帘门男人多是药店或理发店老板背后的男人,因为这两种店铺的女性经营者多数都能在没有丈夫帮扶的情况下将店里生意照看得很好。

    The stereotype concerns especially husbands of pharmacists , who have been able to earn a good income without help from their husbands … . Also hairdressing shop keeper ’ s husband has a chance to become a shutter man , as these women often earn quite good .

  16. 目的探索零售药店ADR监测工作。

    Objective To investigate ADR monitoring in retail drug stores .

  17. CVS药店连锁停售香烟业务。

    The CVS pharmacy chain is getting out of the cigarette business .

  18. 基于层次分析法的B2C网上药店的评价

    Application of AHP in Evaluating B2C On-line Drugstores

  19. 在供应链中的最后一环是Mom&Pop'sPharmacy,一个独立运营的小药店。

    The last link in the chain is Mom & Pop 's Pharmacy , a small individually owned and operated pharmacy .

  20. 零售药店GSP管理信息系统

    GSP Management System for the Retail Drug Store

  21. OTC药品是消费者可不经过医生处方,直接从药房或药店购买的药品。

    OTC medicine is kind of medicine that can buy from drugstores without the doctor 's prescription .

  22. 论加盟连锁实现单体药店通过GSP认证的意义

    The Significance of Passing GSP Authentication of Mono-Drugstores by Joining in the Drug Chain Stores

  23. 比如,沃尔格林就使用API改善了现有的照片打印服务,让顾客可以直接用手机把照片打印出来交给当地的沃尔格林药店。

    For example , Walgreens uses APIs to leverage existing photo-printing services , letting customers print photos directly from their mobile phones to a local Walgreens store .

  24. 怡和集团涉足广泛业务,从文华东方(MandarinOriental)连锁酒店和中国房地产开发到超市、药店、建筑和汽车经销。

    Jardines ' interests today range from the Mandarin Oriental hotel chain and property development in China to supermarkets , pharmacies , construction and car dealerships .

  25. 公司的目标是扩展到25000家药店,包括CVS等大型连锁药店。

    The goal is to get them into 25,000 stores , including such major chains as CVS ( CVS ) .

  26. 靴公司PLC的称为靴靴和财政品牌的化学家,是主要的连锁药店在英国,店铺在大多数高街道在全国各地。

    The Boots Company PLC known as Boots and financially branded Boots The Chemists , is the dominant pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom , with outlets in most high streets throughout the country .

  27. 封面女郎(CoverGirl)主要销售廉价化妆品系列,人们可以在沃尔格林药店(Walgreens)和CVS药店找到这些产品,它在2013年的销售额增长了1.9%。

    Cover Girl , with its inexpensive line of makeup you can find in any Walgreens ( WAG ) or CVS ( CVS ) , saw 1.9 % growth in 2013 .

  28. 报告还显示,Informix能够在高速发展的环境中提供高级性能并能根据药店需求迅速伸缩。

    It also showed that Informix would be able to deliver high levels of performance in an environment of rapid growth and could scale quickly depending on store demand .

  29. 结果与结论:加盟连锁实现单体药店通过GSP认证的模式是可行的和必要的。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The mode of achieving the passage of GSP authentication of the mono-drugstore by joining in the drug store chain is feasible and essential .

  30. 喷点Evian矿雾(药店卖大约11美元),然后轻轻地抹上润肤霜。

    I spritz Evian Mineral Spray ( about $ 11 in drugstores ), and then dab on moisturizer .