
  • 网络high carbon chromium bearing steel
  1. 采用20tEAF初炼、25tLF精炼、小方坯连铸工艺生产高碳铬轴承钢。

    The small square blank continuous casting technology with steelmaking in 20 t EAF and refining in 25 t LF is adopted in the production of high carbon chromium bearing steel .

  2. 为满足成品棒材组织结构的要求,生产齿轮钢、高碳铬轴承钢等合金钢的连铸坯断面直径在350mm以上为宜。

    It is available that the concasting bloom section diameter of alloy steels such as gear steel and high carbon chromium bearing steel shall be more than 350 mm to satisfy the requirement of structure of finished products .

  3. 高碳铬轴承钢超长寿命S-N关系的概率特性

    Probabilistic character for S-N relations of high carbon-chromium bearing steel in super-long cycle life region

  4. 使用砂漏型试样对高碳铬轴承钢的S-N曲线特性和破坏机理进行了研究。通过旋转弯曲疲劳试验获得的S-N曲线按照破坏模式的不同被划分为裂纹萌生位置不同的两组。

    According to fracture modes , the S-N curve obtained from cantilever-type rotary bending fatigue tests using hourglass shaped specimens of high carbon-chromium bearing steel is clearly classified into two groups of different crack origin .

  5. 氮化硅(Si3N4)与传统的高碳铬轴承钢相比,具有许多优良性能以及相同或更长的寿命。

    The silicon nitride ( Si3N4 ) has many excellent properties for the rolling bearing and the same as , or longer rolling fatigue life than that of the conventional high carbon chromium bearing steels .

  6. 高碳铬轴承钢的质量要求和轧制生产工艺

    Quality Requirement for High-Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel and Its Rolling Technology

  7. 滚针材质是由高碳铬轴承钢。

    Needle Rollers are made of high carbon chromium bearing steel .

  8. 高碳铬轴承钢干滑动磨损机制的转化

    The Transition of Dry Sliding Wear Mechanism of High-Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel

  9. EF+VD冶炼高碳铬轴承钢的工艺研究

    Smelting High-Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel with EF Plus VD Process

  10. 高碳铬轴承钢的超长寿命疲劳行为的研究

    Fatigue behaviour of a high carbon-chromium bearing steel in super-long life region

  11. 高碳铬轴承钢标准述评

    Comment on the standards of high carbon chromium bearing steels

  12. 论连铸高碳铬轴承钢的质量

    Discussion on quality of continuous cast high-carbon chromium bearing steel

  13. 高碳铬轴承钢的小方坯连铸技术

    Technique of Continuous Casting Billet of High - Carbon Chrome Bearing Steel

  14. 改善连铸高碳铬轴承钢碳化物的实践

    Practice of Improving Carbide in Continuous Cast High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel

  15. 连铸高碳铬轴承钢的脱氧工艺探讨

    The Study on Deoxidization Technology for Refining of High Carbon chromium Bearing Steel

  16. 高碳铬轴承钢贝氏体淬火工艺的应用

    Research and Application of Bainite Quenching Technology for High-Carbon - Chrome Bearing Steel

  17. 高碳铬轴承钢中的贝氏体组织及马氏体-贝氏体复合组织的强韧性

    High toughness of bainite and Martensite-Bainite duplex microstructure in high carbon-chromium bearing steel

  18. 铝对高碳铬轴承钢氧含量和夹杂物的影响

    Effect of Aluminum on Oxygen Content and Inclusion of High-carbon Chromium Bearing Steel

  19. 高碳铬轴承钢中夹杂物和碳化物自动定量评级

    Automatic quantitative rating of inclusions and carbides in high-carbon-chromium bearing steel using image analysis

  20. 研究了高碳铬轴承钢超长寿命疲劳的破坏过程。

    Fatigue fracture process of high-carbon-chromium bearing steel was studied in ultra-long life regime .

  21. 精炼高碳铬轴承钢脱氧工艺研究

    Deoxidization technology for the refining of bearing steels

  22. 高碳铬轴承钢棒材轧后温度控制与球化关系

    Relation Between Spheroidization and Temperature Control after Rolling of High-carbon Cr Bearing Steel Bar

  23. 高碳铬轴承钢棒材轧后快速冷却工艺的研究

    Study of rapid cooling process for high carbon chromium bearing steel bars after rolling

  24. 精炼过程对高碳铬轴承钢质量的影响

    Refining process of high-carbon chromium bearing steel quality

  25. 提高精锻机锻造大规格高碳铬轴承钢的合格率

    The Qualification Rate Improvement of High-Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Forged by the Finish Forge Press

  26. 深层滚压加工对高碳铬轴承钢超长寿命疲劳行为的影响

    Influence of deeply rolling process on ultra-long life fatigue behavior of high carbon-chromium bearing steel

  27. 高碳铬轴承钢大锭开坯加热工艺的研究

    Research on Heating Process for Blooming of Heavy Ingot for High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Manufacturing

  28. 用热扭转实验方法研究高碳铬轴承钢的热加工性能。

    The hot workability of high-carbon-chromium bearing steel has been studied by means of the hot torsion .

  29. 含C1.0%、Cr1.5%的高碳铬轴承钢是轴承钢的代表品种,是代表着优质洁净钢生产技术水平的重要特殊钢品种。

    High carbon bearing steel with 1.0 % C , 1.5 % Cr is an important special steel grade , which represents technology level of high quality clean steels .

  30. 根据生产实践,对高碳铬轴承钢标准进行分析和探讨,提出新标准中一些问题的同时,还提出一些建议。

    Analyze and discuss the standard of high-carbon chromium bearing steel on the basis of producing experience , analyze problems exsited in the new standard and also propose suggestions and content .