
  1. 研究结果表明,用巴氏杂讯分析法检测300M钢类铁磁材料的磨削烧伤是可行的。

    The result shows that Barkhausen noise analysis is a feasible method for inspection on grinding burn of iron-magnetic materials , such as300M steel .

  2. 试验结果表明,该材料具有良好的力学性能和切削性能,适用于钢类材料的连续和断续切削加工。

    Experiments indicate that the ceramic tool material has high mechanical property and cutting performance . It will get wide applications in the field of continuous and interrupted machining for steels .

  3. 合金钢深孔类零件冷挤成形方案的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study of Technological Program for Extrusion of Deep Hole Alloy Steel Part

  4. 无碳化物贝氏体中机械稳定性较高的残留奥氏体可能是导致无碳化物贝氏体马氏体复相钢第一类回火脆性开始温度升高的直接原因。

    The mechanical stable filmy retained austenite in carbide free bainite may directly cause the TME onset temperature rising .

  5. 通过系列回火工艺试验,确定了65Mn钢第一类回火脆性出现的温度范围。使用改进后的回火工艺,解决了垫片装配开裂的问题。

    Through a series of technological tests , the temperature range of OSTE was determined , and the crack has been avoided through improving the temper process .

  6. 本文叙述了采用聚碳酸脂材料模拟低碳钢和低碳合金钢一类金属的摩托车启动齿轮(下面陶称为端面齿轮)摆辗成形过程。

    The rocking die forming process of motor gears , made of low carbon or low alloy steel , is simulated with a kind of photoplastic material polycarbonate .

  7. 时速200km钢轨钢中B类夹杂物控制技术

    Control Technique of B Type Inclusions in Rail Steel

  8. 但是,直接淬火及回火时低碳马氏体钢中TiC类碳化物的析出行为及其强化作用研究较少。

    However , the precipitation behaviour of TiC during the direct quenching and tempering processes and their strengthening effects in low carbon martensitic steel have hardly investigated .

  9. 对帘线钢中CaO-SiO2-Al2O3类夹杂物CaO与SiO2的比值和Al2O3含量进行了研究,并且通过热力学计算对CaO-SiO2-Al2O3系塑性夹杂物的生成条件进行了讨论。

    The control of CaO / SiO2 and Al2O3 composition in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 inclusion has been systematically studied and the condition of forming CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 inclusion in tire cord steel has been discussed by thermodynamic calculation .

  10. 本文研究了TF型内处理剂对提高高合金钢辊管类离心铸件内在质量、减少铸造缺陷和内孔加工余量的应用效果,并探讨了它的作用机理。

    Abstract The effect of TF in mold treatment agent on the improvement of casting quality and reduction of the casting defects and inner hole machining allowance for high alloy steel rollers and tubes in centrifugal casting has been investigated , its effect mechanism is also discussed in this paper .

  11. 在模具钢上沉积类金刚石碳膜提高膜基结合力的界面研究

    Interfacial studies for improving the adhesion of diamond-like carbon films on mould steel

  12. 几年前钢仅有两类:机器钢和工具钢。

    A few years ago there were two kinds of steel , machine steel and tool steel .

  13. 所研制的无碳化物贝氏体/马氏体复相钢出现第一类回火脆性的温度范围在370℃以上。

    The temperature region in which tempered martensite embrittlement appears is up to 370 ℃ in the novel carbide free bainite / martensite ( CFB / M ) duplex phase steel .

  14. 重型支援桥作为军用桥梁族中的装配式钢桁架桥类,由于其单个构件重量轻、互换性好,设计合理、拼装简便、运输快速而在新一代军用桥梁中脱颖而出。

    As a member in the assembly steel truss style of military bridges , heavy support bridge stands out in the new generation bridges for its rational design , simply fabrication and quick transportation .

  15. 冷弯空心型钢是冷弯型钢中的一类重要产品,其通常包括圆管、方、矩形管以及按照特殊要求制作的异形管。

    Cold-roll void forming sheet is an important product in cold-roll forming sheet , which usually includes pipe , square tube , rectangle tube and unusual tube made by special requirements .

  16. 结果表明,喂线后钢中钙铝比达到0.09以上时,钢中的Al2O3类夹杂物能获得较好的变性;

    The results of study show that alumina ( Al 2O 3 ) inclusions in steel can expectably be modified into low melting point calcium aluminate phases with the Ca / Al ratio in liquid steel of no less than 0.09 after wire feeding .

  17. 最初使用二次冶金工艺是为了满足不断增长的特种钢质量需求,目前二次冶金已广泛用来生产所有钢类,因为它有高的经济效益&提高生产率,作业的机动性和低的生产成本。

    Initially secondary metallurgy process was applied to meet the increasing quality demands for special steel grades . At present , the secondary metallurgy treatments are common to produce all grades of steel as they offer high benefits - increased productivity , operational flexibility and decreased production cost .

  18. 鞍钢研制开发的汽车发动机启动电机用钢是针对汽车电机铁芯用钢(定、转子)而开发的电机钢类产品。

    The steel for the starting motor in automobile engine developed by Angang is the product for automobile engine 's motor core steel ( stator and rotor ) .