
shuānɡ chónɡ rén ɡé
  • Dual personality;double personality;split personality
双重人格 [shuāng chóng rén gé]
  • [dual personality] 指一个人同时具有的两种对立的身分或品质(含贬义)

  1. 学生从作文的虚伪滑向做人的虚伪.从“统一说话”滑向“双重人格”。

    Students tend to slip from false composition to false personality , from unified speaking to double personality .

  2. 现代社会中人格的分裂与模糊&试析《八月之光》中的双重人格

    The Splitting and Ambiguity of Personality in the Modern Society : Analyzing the Double Personality in Light in august

  3. 她威胁说如果他离开她,她就将他双重人格的生活方式公之于众。

    She threatened to publicly expose his double life if he left her .

  4. 对普通的企业主来说,这些机构似乎和化身博士(jekyllandhyde)一样具有双重人格。

    To ordinary business owners , it appears as if these organisations are the institutional equivalent of Jekyll and Hyde .

  5. 双重人格需要用双重谎言来支撑。

    The double-edged lies needed to be sustain a double-edged life .

  6. 浅谈大学生网络双重人格问题

    Facing the Problem of College Students ' Dual Network Personality

  7. 你见过双重人格吗,大夫?

    Have you ever seen any doubie nature , doctor ?

  8. 虚拟与现实的冲突:双重人格下的交往危机

    Conflict Between Virtual and Real World : Communication Crisis with Dual Personality

  9. 他具有善恶双重人格的个性。

    He 's got a Jekyll and Hyed personality .

  10. 与此同时,奥巴马的双重人格在峰会上表露无遗。

    Meanwhile , the summit exposed Mr Obama 's split personality in compelling detail .

  11. 他的内心爱恨纠缠,是一个具有双重人格的形象。

    He is filled with love and hate and is a person with dual personality .

  12. 过悲惨的生活、豪华的生活、双重人格的生活等

    Lead a miserable existence , a life of luxury , a double life , etc

  13. 他以前过着双重人格的生活白天当教区委员、夜里当贼。

    He was living a double life & a church warden by day and a thief by night .

  14. 这种风格的差异,主要是时代氛围及穆时英双重人格影响的结果。

    This mainly results in the affect of the background of the time and the author 's dual-personality .

  15. 我从来没有想到他会那样,他确实有善恶双重人格。

    I 'd never have expected him to behave like that ; he 's a real Jekyll and Hyde .

  16. 这种复杂的性格和双重人格无疑给表演带来很大的难度。

    This kind of complex disposition and the dual personalities bring the very great difficulty without doubt to the performance .

  17. “看麦娘”象征平凡而又优美的双重人格,而父亲正是这种人格的代表。

    Kan Mai Niang symbolizes the dual personality of both commonness and elegancy , and father is the representative of this style .

  18. 他是一个真正的具有双重人格的人:在家里他温良和善,但在生意场上他却完全不讲道义。

    He 's a real Jekyll and Hyde : at home he 's kind and loving , but in business he 's completely without principles .

  19. 蒋光慈的挣扎其实为知识分子的双重人格所致,这在20、30年代的左翼阵营是具有代表性的。

    Jiang 's struggle actually is the result of intellectual 's dual personality . His struggle is representative among the left wing camp in 20 , 30 's.

  20. 作为世界文学巨匠,陀思妥耶夫斯基的深刻在于他终其一生都致力于对魔鬼代言人的双重人格和与之相对的光明力量的塑造。

    As a world literary giant , Dostoevsky was profound at the shaping of the dual character of devil spokesmen and the bright confrontation with the forces .

  21. 但同时,网络也弱化了传统社会化执导者的控制功能,网络传播中的垃圾信息也容易造成大学生道德的偏离,大学生在网络交往中容易形成双重人格,致使大学生的社会化发生偏差。

    However , the network weakens the control ability of the management and the rubbish information in network communications tends to form college students ' ethical bias and dual personality .

  22. 《潜水艇》由理查德艾欧阿德包办剧本和导演,但《双重人格》则是改编自陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说。故事讲述了一个男人被另一个更有趣的自己所取代。

    Submarine was all his own work , but The Double is drawn from a Dostoyevsky story about a man displaced by a version of himself with much more fun of parties .

  23. 凭借《社交网络》获得奥斯卡提名的艾森博格和23岁的华希科沃斯卡共同出演了《双重人格》,该片讲述了一个男人被突然出现的与自己长得一模一样的二重身弄疯的喜剧。

    The Oscar-nominated star of The Social Network and Wasikowska , 23 , in The Double , a comedy about a man who is driven insane by the appearance of his doppelganger .

  24. 这种人格特征也造成了其心灵的矛盾、交战,形成了他们的双重人格,让他们充分显示出了历史中间物的地位。

    This kind of personal characteristic has caused the contradiction and war of their soul , and has formed their " dual personality ", letting them fully demonstrate the status of " historical intermediate " .

  25. 尽管清政府严查令禁,但并未收到实际效果,这与通俗小说的特殊艺术魅力、历代帝王的双重人格等皆有一定的关系。

    Though the government is very strict in management , do not receive the real result , The factors , such as dual personality of special artistic charm , past dynasties emperor of the popular novel , etc.

  26. 试析我国公职人员的双重道德人格

    An Analysis on Dual Moral Personality of Government Servants In our Country

  27. 李白双重文化人格的美学诠释

    The Aesthetic Annotation of Li Bai 's Double Culture Personality

  28. 由于李白儒道文化人格分别表现出对自由的追求和不同程度的超越本质,因而使其双重文化人格具有了深刻的美学意蕴。

    Li bai 's double culture personality pursue freedom and show transcendence essence , so it has deep Aesthetic significance .

  29. 李白双重文化人格由儒家的伦理精神和道家的宇宙意识、逍遥精神两大要素构成。

    Li Bai 's double culture personality comprise ethical spirit of Confucianism and Taoism 's universe realize and free spirit .

  30. 在一定程度上,人们生活的双重环境决定了人格的双重性。

    To some extent , it is the dual life people live that determines their duality in nature .