
  • 网络double track tunnel;twin-track tunnel,double track tunnel
  1. 对隧道掘进爆破数值模拟算法原理与分析模型作了分析和说明;应用动力有限元ANSYS/LS-DYNA程序对特大断面双线隧道的爆破施工进行了三维模拟。

    The simulation principle and model of blasting excavation of tunnels are analyzed and introduced in the essay , 3D simulation of blasting excavation of the double-line tunnels with extra-large sections is performed by means of dynamic finite element ANSYS / LS-DYNA software .

  2. 铁路双线隧道通风的空气动力特性研究

    Study on the Aerodynamic Characteristics for Two way Railway Tunnel Ventilation

  3. 半解析数值法在地铁工程双线隧道分析中的应用

    Application of semi analytical numerical method to double tube tunnel structures

  4. 铁路双线隧道中有害气体分布规律的研究

    Distribution of a harmful gas in double track railway tunnels

  5. 双线隧道无轨装碴有轨运输技术

    Trackless Muck - Loading and Rail Haulage Technology for Duble - Line Tunnel

  6. 地铁双线隧道内流动特性的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of flow characteristics in bi-directional subway tunnel

  7. 水平冻结暗挖地铁双线隧道受力机理研究

    Study on Stress Theory of Double Tunnel Construction by Horizontal Frozen Mining Method

  8. 地铁双线隧道水平冻结位移场的模型试验

    Model test on displacement field of DOUBLE-ROUTE Metro constructed with horizontal freezing method

  9. 客运专线双线隧道定位问题分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasures to positioning problems in double-line tunnel of Passenger Dedicated Line

  10. 复杂地质条件下特长双线隧道综合施工技术

    Comprehensive Construction Technology of Extremely Large Long Double-track Tunnel under Complicated Geological Condition

  11. 铁路双线隧道塌方整治

    Treatment of Collapse of Double - track Tunnel

  12. 双线隧道弹性整体道床无缝线路轨道纠偏技术

    Deviation correcting technology for elastic monolithic track bed jointless track in double line tunnel

  13. 双线隧道暗挖施工技术及其数值模拟分析

    Dark-excavation Construction Techniques of the Double - line Tunnel and Its Numerical Simulation Analysis

  14. 城市建筑密集区浅埋铁路双线隧道的施工工法

    Construction technology of the shallow two ways railway tunnel in city building dense area

  15. 铁路双线隧道通风模型试验研究

    Modelling Test for Two-way Railway Tunnel Ventilation

  16. 层状岩体中近邻双线隧道爆破的振动响应研究

    Study on Blasting Seismic Dynamic Effect for Tunnels with Close Interval in Bedded Rock Mass

  17. 复杂条件下单改双线隧道拆除扩挖控制爆破技术

    Controlled Blast Technology for Demolition and Expansive Excavation of Tunnel for Transforming the Single Track into Double Track under Complicated Conditions

  18. 针对地铁双线隧道水平冻结工程,基于相似理论,建立一套完整的物理模型试验系统。

    Aiming at horizontal freezing engineering of double-route metro , an integrated model experiment system is established based on similarity theory .

  19. 过站区为双线隧道,隧道跨度大、埋深浅、线间距小,采用矿山法施工难度和风险极大。

    The connecting tunnels constructed using mining method have a large span 、 a shallow coverage and a little distance between two lines .

  20. 双线隧道提速后的瞬变压力及缓解措施

    Research on the Problem of Transient Pressure in Tunnel of China 's Double Track Railway with the Trains Being Speed up and its Reduction Measures

  21. 针对长大铁路双线隧道轨道结构施工中发生的弹性整体道床轨道偏移问题,阐述了纠偏的方法和施工工艺,为以后同类工程提供借鉴。

    A description is given to method and technology a-dopted against track deviation during construction of elastic monolithic track bed in long double line tunnel .

  22. 研究结论:提速后,我国既有线上一些双线隧道的瞬变压力不能满足旅客乘车的舒适度标准。

    Research conclusions : With the trains being-speed up , the transient pressure of double-track tunnel in the existing railway can not reach the standard of comfort .

  23. 模拟结果显示,在双线隧道中,流场的分布是两列车所引起的活塞效应共同作用的结果;

    The simulation results show that the distributions of flow velocity and pressure in the bi-directional tunnel are influenced by the combined effect of the two trains .

  24. 文章主要针对铁路双线隧道施工管理尤其是有轨运输问题,归纳总结并分析了正在施工中的寺铺尖隧道的实践经验。

    In view of management of double-line tunnel construction and in particular the rail haulage problem , this paper sums up and analyzes the construction experiences of Sipujian tunnel .

  25. 本文拟以成兰线的龙门山双线隧道为例分析该隧道开挖对穿越区域地下水环境的影响。

    This article aims to become the Blue Line as an example of the Longmen Shan-lane tunnel to analyze the impact to the regional groundwater after the tunnel excavation .

  26. 用钻爆法开挖修建小净距双线隧道时,后行隧道的施工不可避免地会对先行隧道的安全与稳定产生一定的影响。

    During the process of neighborhood tunnel excavation by blasting method , it had great influence on the safety and stability of the former tunnel when the later tunnel was excavated .

  27. 通过数值分析得出盾构引起地表沉降的范围、地层水平移动规律以及双线隧道之间的相互影响。

    With the simulation results , the range of the ground surface settlement , laws of the strata horizontal displacement and the interaction of double tunnels by shield excavation are analyzed .

  28. 地铁双线隧道施工人工冻结水热力数值分析分析集中供热管网与热水供应热用户水力或热力工况变化时的相互影响规律。

    Numerical analysis of moisture , thermal and mechanical states for subway double-line tunnel constructed by artificial freezing method The interactional condition of district heating system and hot water supply system are analyzed .

  29. 分析了双线隧道先后掘进线在施工参数上的差异,和房屋沉降控制措施,并对盾构姿态和同步注浆与单日沉降的关系、盾构机停机对沉降的影响分别做了研究。

    The divergences of the contruction parameter in tunnelling lines and the controlling measures of building settlement are analyzed . The relation between shield posture and synchronous grouting and single-day settlement , the influence of the halting of shield on settlement are researched .

  30. 对铁路双线隧道通风的空气动力特性:射流风机的组合特性、活塞风的影响、有害气体浓度分布和稀释原理等进行了分析研究。

    This paper presents the study results on the aerodynamic characteristics for two way railway tunnel ventilation , which include the combine characteristics of jet fan used , the influence of the piston wind in the tunnel and the concentration distribution and the dilution principle of harmful gases .