
  • 网络Frustration;psychological frustration
  1. 论高职学生心理挫折承受力的培养

    On the Train of Higher Vocational Students ' Endurance of Psychological Frustration

  2. 教师心理挫折产生的原因及其预防与消除

    Causes of teacher 's psychological frustration and approaches to prevention and elimination

  3. 论高职校教师心理挫折的管理

    On Supervision of Teachers ' Mental Setback in Higher Technical Colleges

  4. 青少年学生心理挫折产生的原因及教育途径

    The cauces of the young students psychological setback and educational way

  5. 教师必须采取灵活有效的方法和手段,做好学生心理挫折的预防和排解工作。

    Teachers should take flexible and effective measures to solve these problems .

  6. 大学教师心理挫折的成因与调整

    The Cause of Formation and Adjustment of College Teachers'Psychological Setbacks

  7. 大学生心理挫折分析及教育策略

    On the College Students ' Frustrated Psychoanalysis and Educational Tactics

  8. 体育教学中学生心理挫折的预防和排解

    The Prevention and Solution of the Students ' Psychological Setback in PE Instruction

  9. 当代大学生心理挫折探析

    Discussion of Mental Frustration of Contemporary University Students

  10. 学生的心理挫折分析

    A superficial analysis of students ' psychological setback

  11. 高校青年心理挫折及其对策研究

    Study on Tactics to Solve the Psychological Setback of Young People in Colleges and Universities

  12. 运动员心理挫折状态的相关因素及其分析

    Related factors of psychological frustration in athletes

  13. 心理挫折是心理需要无法满足时所产生的紧张的情绪反应。

    The psychological setbacks is the tense reaction produced when psychological needs cannot be satisfied .

  14. 关于教师心理挫折的几个问题

    On the Psychological Frustration of Teachers

  15. 体育教师心理挫折的成因可归纳为客观和主观8个主要因素。

    The causes of the psychological setbacks may be summarized into eight main subjective and objective factors .

  16. 他们身材更苗条,始终保持乐观,而且似乎对疼痛感和心理挫折的忍耐力更强。

    They are thinner than average , relentlessly upbeat and seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological set-backs .

  17. 针对这一现状,作者切实而精要地论述应对这些心理挫折所应采取的微观、宏观策略。

    In accordance with this situation , the authors discussed accurately the macroscopic and microcosmic tactics to solving these kinds of psychological setback in this paper .

  18. 影响大学新生人际关系的因素主要有:功利主义色彩严重,以我为中心的个人主义盛行,生活阅历不足而理想主义色彩浓厚,容易受到心理挫折。

    There are some major factors influencing the interpersonal relationship of freshmen , such as the strong utilitarianism , prevalent individualism , inadequate life experience , strong idealism and frail mentality .

  19. 学校领导者要积极帮助教师预防心理挫折,为消除挫折创造良好的心理环境,教师主体要加强自身修养,注意受挫后的自我调节。

    School leaders should help teachers to prevent the occurrence of psychological setbacks or eliminate the frustration feeling , while teacher should take the subjective initiative in precaution or psychological elimination .

  20. 学习成绩相对较差、非重点班学生由于其学习名次、地位等心理挫折更易产生自卑、焦虑情绪,对这些学生应给予更多的鼓励、帮助和心理支持。

    Mental frustration due to underachievement and studying in common class were likely to lead to self-abasement and anxiety in middle school students , so more encouragement , help and mental support must be given to the students with anxiety about learning .

  21. 结论:团体综合干预,尤其是心理剧等挫折体验疗法能有效提高学生的挫折承受力。

    CONCLUSION : Group therapy , especially psychodrama and other frustration experience therapies can effectively enhance the frustration tolerance of clients .

  22. Endress说,如果你接受自己的健身日程里存在一些空档,你最好准备克服心理上的挫折。

    Endress says if you accept that there will be some sidesteps on your fitness journey , you 'll be better prepared mentally to deal with setbacks .

  23. 在探讨、研究大学生中常见的挫折心理反应及挫折心理产生原因的基础上,提出了相应的心理对策。

    In the discussion , studies in the university student the common setback psychology to respond and the setback psychology has in the reason foundation , proposed the corresponding psychological countermeasure .

  24. 良好的心理素质是应对挫折的前提

    Good psychological quality is the premise of dealing with setbacks

  25. 大学生心理防御机制与挫折应对的相关研究

    On University Students Psychological Precaution and Resistance Against Frustration

  26. 现在在你的心理更多的是挫折感呢还是一种向上的动力?

    Is there any sort of pent ? up frustration or aggression inside you ?

  27. 通过挫折教育,提高心理承受力和挫折耐力,培养学生健全的人格、健康的心理。

    Through frustration education , improve psychological enduring ability and frustration endurance , cultivate students ' healthy personality and mind .

  28. 体育锻炼调节大学新生挫折心理的研究大学生挫折心理初探

    Effects of Physical Exercise on the Setback Psychology of New College Students The First Psychological Setback Research Regarding College Students

  29. 国外学者主要以挫折产生的原因作为研究的重点,国内学者则主要在理论上探讨了大学生挫折心理的特点和挫折教育的途径。

    Foreign scholars mainly study the cause of the frustration , whereas those in China theatrically focus on the mental characteristics of the frustration and the educational approaches .

  30. 目前我国大学生主要的就业挫折心理为:就业挫折心理因素3(焦虑、自卑、嫉妒)、就业挫折心理因素2(幻想、恐惧、猜疑、后悔)。

    At present , the main psychologies of employment frustrations are as follows : factor No. 3 of psychologies of employment frustrations ( anxiety , inferiority , jealousy ); factor No.