
  • 网络Flow density;flux density;current density
  1. 与太阳质子流量密度IP之间有着紧密的相关,相关系数约为0.8。

    , then there isa close relation between the mean flux density S - and solar proton flux density Ip > with a correlation of 0.8 .

  2. 13.7m抛物面天线增益测量和太阳射电流量密度定标

    Gain Measurement of a 13.7m Paraboloid Antenna and the Calibration of Solar Radio Flux Density

  3. CO2制冷系统换热器设计的趋势是采用高流量密度的小管径和微通道换热器,这有利于提高换热系数和承受高压。

    The heat exchangers are designed for high refrigerant mass flux and are made with small diameter tubes or extruded flat microchannel tubes , which can increase the heat transfer coefficient and endure higher pressure .

  4. 以所获得的J、H、K波段流量密度,结合IRAS分光测量数据及低分辨光谱指数等资料,得出了各类源在不同波段的双色图上的分布特点。

    Combining the J , H , K flux densities obseved with the IRAS photometry data , LRS and VAR , distributions of the sources in colour-colour diagrams of two different wavelength bands are obtained .

  5. 本文针对中国科学院遥感卫星地面站CBERS接收系统给出系统G/T值测量需要的射电源流量密度和修正系数计算公式以及测量误差分析。

    Based on CBERS receiving system of Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station , Chinese Academy of Sciences , this paper gives the equations of radio sources flux density and correction factors needed by G / T measurement , and measurement error analysis .

  6. 强源的两个峰的速度位置和峰值流量密度都是比较稳定的。

    The velocities and peak flux densities of stronger two peaks are relatively stable .

  7. 但是,如果超过某一时间阈值,例如T(1/2)>2分钟,则在平均流量密度(?)

    However , if a certain time threshold value is exceeded , for example , T2 / 1 > 2 min.

  8. 主要结果如下:对于最小值而言,γ射线辐射与射电辐射流量密度之间没有相关性存在;

    Our results are as follows . For minimum γ - ray data , there is no correlation between the γ - ray and radio flux density ;

  9. 主要结果如下:(1)在伴随质子事件的微波爆发各参数中,以峰值流量密度、能量密度等强度参数与质子流量相关最好;

    The main results are as follows :( 1 ) The intensity parameters are more useful than the other parameters for indicating the intensity of associated solar proton events .

  10. 采用此模型,可以在已知气-水喷嘴的冷态参数(流量密度、液滴粒径、液滴速度等)的情况下,模拟计算出该喷嘴的传热特性。

    With this model the heat flux and heat transfer coefficient can be calculated , when the air-water nozzle 's water flux , droplet size and droplet velocity are given .

  11. 检波采用平方律检波器,只有在采用平方律检波器的前提下,接收记录与射电流量密度之间的线性关系才存在。

    The square-law detector is used for detection , because only when the square-law detector is used , the linear relationship between the received record and the radio flow density exists .

  12. 提出了网格动态调整算法,该算法根据模型模拟的路段流量和密度计算车辆平均通行距离,并以此距离动态调整CA模型的格子长度。

    The paper introduces the dynamic lattice arithmetic which adjusts the lattice length of CA model according to the average vehicles passing distance .

  13. 该流量计以Coriolis力为基础,对流体的质量流量和密度进行测量,从而避免了一般体积流量计测量结果受温度影响较大的缺点。

    The flow meter utilizes Coriolis force to measure mass flow and density of fluids , so the significant effect of temperature on the measuring results , which is often encountered in common volume flow meter possess , is avoided .

  14. 通过计算机模拟,给出了混合比例系数fNS对混合交通流的速度-密度和流量-密度图以及车辆转道频率影响的结果。

    By using numerical simulation , we study the effect of the mixed proportion coefficient f_ NS on the velocity_density and flow_density diagrams of the mixed traffic flow and the lane_change frequency of the vehicles .

  15. 一种双功能谐振传感器&谐振式质量流量/密度传感器

    A dual function resonator sensor & resonant mass flow / density sensor

  16. 视频监控中人群流量和密度估计算法分析

    Survey of Crowd Flow and Density Estimation in Video Surveillance

  17. 采用周期性边界条件仿真,再现了真实交通流的流量-密度关系和速度-密度关系;

    With periodic boundary condition the flow-density and ( speed-density ) relation of traffic were reproduced .

  18. 通过计算机数值模拟,得出了不同参数下混合交通的速度和流量与密度关系的基本图。

    The fundamental diagrams of the mixing traffic under different conditions are given by the numerical simulations .

  19. 在水路和气路,采用质量流量计测量介质的流量和密度。

    And gas at sea road , using mass flow and density measurement of the flow of media .

  20. 本文通过分析移动瓶颈流量-密度曲线,提出采用源头控制和车流控制两种措施来缓解不利影响。

    Based on flow-density relation of moving bottleneck , source control and traffic flow control were put forward to mitigate the unfavorable influence .

  21. 然后,将连接处交通流参数之间的关系模型整理成驶出率、上游外侧车道流量和密度之间的关系。

    Converting the relationship , the relationship between diverging rate , the Lane 1 flow entering the junction and the junction density was established .

  22. 仿真研究不同方向比例与不同系统规模的对向行人流的速度-密度、流量-密度关系。

    Simulations of bi-directional pedestrian flow with different direction splits and system sizes are presented based on cellular automata ( CA ) in this paper .

  23. 以前的研究主要集中于宏观模型,讨论交通流量及密度的变化。

    In the past the research mainly fixed attention on the macroscopic model , which discusses the relationships among the change of traffic stream flow and density .

  24. 当系统惯性较大,振动截止频率较低时,可认为流量与密度脉动同相。

    When the inertia of the system is rather large and interceptive frequency rather low , pulses of flow and density are considered to be in phase . The paper has quoted pro .

  25. 通过此数学模型,可以求解稳态下铅塔内锌蒸气的质量流量、密度以及压强的大小和铅塔冷凝器负荷波动下铅塔内锌蒸气的动态响应行为。

    Such information as the value of mass flux , density and pressure of zinc vapour in lead column in steady state and how to respond to fluctuant charge of the condenser were gotten .

  26. 通过仿真试验,建立互通立交流量-密度-速度统计分析模型,提出互通立交各部分和整体的通行能力和服务水平指标。

    Through simulation experiments , the establishment of Interchange Flow - density - velocity model of statistical analysis , the Interchange and the various parts of the overall traffic capacity and service level indicators .

  27. 利用该实验系统,进行了单相流的定量和湿气的定性实验,验证了用本文方法测量单相流体积流量和密度的可行性和有效性,同时,得到了初步的湿气测量实验结果。

    Through many experiments on the system , the feasibility and validity of measuring the volume and density of one-phase flow has been verified . Meanwhile , preliminary experimental results of wet gas have been obtained .

  28. 阐述了入口匝道控制原理,建立了高速公路交通流模型,模型的流量&密度关系是非线性的,设计了高速公路匝道非线性反馈控制器模型。

    The control principle of a ramp is formulated . The freeway traffic flow model for the ramp control was developed , the model 's flow-density relationship is nonlinear , and the model of nonlinear feedback controller is built .

  29. 将连接处参数之间的关系模型整理成汇入率、上游外侧车道流量和密度之间的关系,并且利用实测数据对关系模型进行标定。

    The relationship among the parameters were turned into the relationship among merging rate , the Lane 1 flow entering the junction and the junction density , and this relationship model was calibrated by the measured data on the spot .

  30. 然后运用交通流理论,分析了反映码头交通流变化特征的两个交通参数(交通流量和密度)及其相互关系,并从时间和空间两方面着重阐述了交通流量的基本特性。

    Then by applying traffic flow theories , it analyzed the two traffic flow parameters reflecting the change on traffic and its correlation . Moreover , it still described the characters about traffic flux on two aspects of time and space .