
  • 网络North African Coast;barbary coast
  1. 在旧金山的人行道嵌入式青铜奖章沿着北非海岸步道,徒步旅行,连接一个城市最重要的历史遗址参观。

    Bronze medallions embedded in San Francisco sidewalks take visitors along the Barbary Coast Trail , a walking tour that connects the city 's most important historic sites .

  2. 穿过地中海,来到了北非海岸。

    Across the Mediterranean Sea on the North shores of africa .

  3. 密地是北非海岸一个臭名昭著的自由港。

    A notorious free port on the North African coast .

  4. 以摩尔人海盗闻名的地中海北非海岸。

    The Mediterranean coast of North Africa that was famous for its Moorish pirates .