
  • 网络Nordic Skiing
  1. 他意识到他对自适应北欧滑雪(越野滑雪)有激情。

    He realized he had a passion for adaptive Nordic skiing .

  2. 对我来说,从事北欧滑雪就是自然而然的。

    For me it was just a natural fit to come to Nordic skiing .

  3. 北欧滑雪包括个人越野滑雪项目及男子接力、女子接力项目。

    Nordic skiing consists 0f individual cross country event and relay event for Both men and women .

  4. 竞技滑雪包括以下几个主要项目:高山滑雪,北欧滑雪,跳台滑雪,自由式滑雪和现代冬季两项等。

    Skiing racing includes following main events : alpine skiing , Nordic skiing , ski jumping , freestyle skiing , and Biathlon etc.

  5. 北欧滑雪项目包括:越野滑雪、跳台滑雪和北欧混合项目。汽车侧倾、滑滚并撞到了桥台上。

    Nordic skiing includes cross country racing , ski jumping and the Nordic Combines . The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment .

  6. 我后来是因为参加北欧滑雪比赛而对跑步产生兴趣,因为我必须先在滑雪道上跑步,为即将来临的雪季做准备。

    And I had got [ ten ] interested in running through Nordic ski racing and had to get ready for the ... basically , the snow season by doing some running on the ski trails .

  7. 曲棍球、冰壶、滑冰和雪板比赛将在温哥华附近区域举行,而北欧滑雪、高山滑雪和雪橇比赛则被安排在125公里(80英里)以外的惠斯勒地区举行。

    Competitions for hockey , curling , skating and snowboarding will be held in the immediate Vancouver area , while those for nordic skiing , alpine skiing and bobsled will be held in Whistler , about 125 km ( 80 miles ) away .

  8. 北欧两项滑雪的是或与以滑雪跳跃或跨国比赛为特点的滑雪比赛有关的只有格伦的滑稽动作才使得聚会极其沉闷的气氛活跃了起来。

    Of or relating to ski competition featuring ski jumping and cross-country racing . Glen 's antics were the only breath of life in an otherwise very boring party .

  9. 直到维京时期,北欧人们都把滑雪视为一种有效的交通方式,同时也是一种受欢迎的娱乐方式。

    By the Viking Age , Norsemen regarded skiing as an efficient way to get around and a popular form of recreation .