
  • 网络photonic device
  1. 研究结果为光子器件的设计提供了理论依据。

    The results present a theoretical base for processing photonic device .

  2. 光通信目前有两个主要的研究方向:光子器件和光网络交换技术。

    Currently , it has two main research branches in optical communication field : photonic device and optical networking .

  3. 载流子色散型硅基CMOS光子器件

    Silicon-based CMOS Photonic Devices Using Carrier Dispersion Effect

  4. 由此提出了双光纤链路与IP插空联合的光突发交换解决方案,以缓解光子器件瓶颈的限制。

    Based on the server-based optical network architecture , the dual fiber link and IP calking for Optical Burst Switching are proposed to abate the restriction of optical devices .

  5. 然后我们分析了用光子器件的有限差分时域(FDTD)仿真法设计光学谐振腔的方法。

    Then we introduce the finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) simulation methods which are widely used in modeling large-scale photonic circuits .

  6. 基于阵列波导光栅(AWG)的各种光子器件代表了实现波分复用系统的关键实用技术之一。

    The components based on arrayed-waveguide grating ( AWG ) represent one of the key enabling technologies for WDM systems .

  7. 基于表面等离子体激元(SPPs)设计的金属光器件可以达到这样的要求,它们被誉为是目前最有希望的纳米集成光子器件的信息载体。

    The metal nano-optical devices based on surface plasmon polaritions ( SPPs ) could satisfy the requirements .

  8. 同时,还展示了用标准互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术,实现硅基光子器件和电子器件在同一基片上微纳集成的巨大前景。

    The perspective of micro / nano scale monolithic integration of optical devices and electronic devices on a single chip by standard complementary mental oxide semiconductor ( CMOS ) technologies is also presented .

  9. SPPs具有近场聚集、透射增强、超高分辨率成像等突出特性,因此,SPPs在光子器件、超分辨成像、生物传感等相关领域都有潜在的利用价值。

    SPPs have many prominent features such as near-field aggregation , transmission enhancement , ultra-high resolution imaging and so on .

  10. 1969年,美国贝尔实验室的Miller首次提出集成光学的概念,从此揭开了光子器件集成化研究的序幕。

    The concept of " Integrated Optics " was proposed by Miller in Bell Laboratories , which raised the curtain on the age of the study of the integration of photonic devices .

  11. DWDM光网络的每个节点又包含着大量的光电子器件和各种功能模块,光学滤波器是DWDM光网中一类重要的光子器件。

    In Each main node in the DWDM network involves a lot of optoelectronic components and various function modules . Optical filter represents a big class of key photonic components .

  12. 本文基于取样光栅的独特反射谱特性,对其作为光子器件如DBR激光器、波分复用/解复器和光插分复用器的结构图作了探讨。

    The paper based on the special reflective spectrum characteristics for the sampled gratings , we madea research on the schematics of the optical devices like DBR lasers .

  13. InAs纳米线在纳米电子器件、纳米光子器件、量子器件、生物传感和检测、纳米物理与化学等方面具有巨大的应用价值和科学意义。

    InAs nanowires are now exploring its potential in application and science , such as nano-electronic devices , nano-photonic devices , quantum devices , bio-sensors , nano-physics and nano-chemistry .

  14. 随着基于SOI(silicon-on-insulator)结构的硅波导制作工艺的发展,在同一硅片上集成各种电子和光子器件成为可能。

    With the development of fabrication technology of silicon waveguide based on the SOI ( silicon-on-insulator ) structure , it becomes possible to integrate the electrical and optical devices on a single silicon chip .

  15. 光纤光栅(FBG)是近年来得到迅速发展的一种光子器件,在光传感、色散补偿等方面有很广泛的应用,现在人们越来越关注各种特殊结构光栅的研究。

    Fiber Bragg Gratings ( FBGs ) as a kind of photonic devices rapidly developed in recent years , have a wide application in optical sensing , dispersion compensation , and now various special structures of FBGs have got more and more attention .

  16. 未来的信息存储、远程通信、光开关和信号处理等光电子和光子器件的研究与开发将高度依赖于非线性光学(NLO)材料取得的进展。

    Future generations of optoelectronic devices for information storage , telecommunication , optical switch and signal processing are predicted to be highly dependent on the development of materials with excellent nonlinear optical ( NLO ) properties .

  17. 介绍了SOI纳米线波导在模式、损耗、偏振等方面与传统大尺寸硅基波导所表现出来的不同特性,评述了当前关于SOI纳米线波导和基于SOI纳米线波导光子器件的最新研究进展。

    The properties of mode , loss and polarization of SOI nanowire waveguides , which are different from those of conventional waveguides with large cross-section , are introduced . Recent progresses of SOI nanowire waveguides and several photonic devices based on these waveguides are reviewed .

  18. 基于非线性光纤环镜(NOLM)的全光纤器件具有结构简单、工作速度高以及控制灵活方便等特点,将在高速宽带光子器件中占有重要地位。

    All-optical fiber devices consisting of nonlinear fiber loop mirror ( NOLM ) with high speed and simple as well as convenient controllable structures have been attached importance on , and will have wide application in the areas of various civil and military systems as well as optical communications .

  19. 几种光子器件的原理及应用的研究

    Study on the Principle and Application of Several Photonic Devices

  20. 现代的电子和光子器件都是小特征尺寸的固体结构。

    Modern electronic and photonic devices are solid structures of small feature sizes .

  21. 掺镱石英光纤光子器件研究

    Study on Devices of Yb ~( 3 + ) - Doped Silicon Fibers

  22. 光子器件激光封装中热致角度偏移的降低

    Thermally Induced Misalignment in Laser Packaging of Optical Modules

  23. 高性能聚合物光子器件研究进展

    Recent progress in high performance polymer photonic components

  24. 硅基光子器件研究进展及其在光陀螺与光通信中的应用

    Advances of Silicon-Based Integrated Photonic Devices and Applications in Optical Gyroscope and Optical Communication

  25. 与电子器件相似,微型化也是光子器件的发展趋势之一。

    Similar to their electronic counterparts , photonic devices also show the trend for miniaturization .

  26. 基于光纤光栅的光子器件及其在波分复用系统中的应用

    Photonic devices based on Fiber Bragg grating and their applications in wavelength division multiplexing system

  27. 新兴光子器件&Interleaver

    A New Photon Component & Interleaver

  28. 由改变组合方式而带来的不同透射特性可用于制作各种光子器件。

    Different properties that result from different combination patterns can be used to make photonic devices .

  29. 双包层传像光纤光子器件材料及工艺的研究

    Research on the Material and Technology of Photon-device Made by Double-coated Optical Fiber Image Transmitting Bundle

  30. 这种金属纳米颗粒复合聚合物材料在发展制作新型聚合物光子器件上有很好的应用前景。

    This kind metallic nano-particles doped polymer materials have potential applications in polymer optical elements . 2 .