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He said China which reacted angrily to US moves to slap countervailing duties on tyre imports this week wants the G20 to make a strong commitment to avoiding protectionism .
If forthright economic action against China countervailing duties on Chinese imports , say were likely to succeed , there could be no principled objection .
Indeed , anti-subsidy duties , anti-dumping rules , imports banned in the name of health , safety or the environment all these are wto-legal .
Europe is posed to open a new front in its trade battle with China after member states gave their assent to a proposal to put anti-subsidy duties on imports of high-end paper .
One such bill enshrines the right to levy anti-subsidy duties against non-market economies .
Beijing has seized on a landmark US court ruling to argue that Washington is practising illegal protectionism by imposing anti-subsidy tariffs on imports from China .
Earlier this year , the EU took aim at those practices when , for the first time , it imposed anti-subsidy duties on imported Chinese paper .
The bill would require the commerce department to use estimates of currency undervaluation when calculating so-called " countervailing duties " , imposed against imports deemed to be state-subsidised .
The case , which still requires a final vote , would mark the first instance in which the European Union has imposed anti-subsidy tariffs against Chinese manufactured goods .
The House of Representatives has passed a bill authorising countervailing import duties against the export subsidies created by undervalued exchange rates as with China .
The law would require estimates of such undervaluation to be included in so-called " countervailing duty " tariffs that Washington imposes on imports it deems to be unfairly state-subsidised .
When it comes to imposing regular anti-dumping or anti-subsidy duties on imports , the US system allows less political interference than do EU procedures .
Earlier this year China won a case against the US at the World Trade Organisation , which ruled that Washington was in effect double-counting by imposing countervailing and anti-dumping duties on the same imports .
We have requested consultations with China on its failure to bring antidumping and countervailing duties on US exports of GOES ( grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel ) into compliance with its WTO obligations , said Mike Froman , US trade representative , on Monday .
This year , Washington imposed anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties of roughly 31 per cent on imported Chinese solar panels .
European steelmakers have frequently had recourse to antidumping and antisubsidy tariffs to tackle low-cost products entering the EU market .
The Brussels move follows a similar step in Washington , which levied anti-dumping tariffs and countervailing duties on Chinese solar-panel makers earlier this year .
US beef is banned in China over BSE fears dating from 2003 , for example , and US chicken imports face high antidumping and antisubsidy duties .
China has been using antidumping and countervailing duties as a retaliatory measure , says Mr Reif . Part of the reason for bringing this action is to prevent their use as retaliation .
The extent of trade restrictions remains hard to quantify : many involve changes in licensing or regulation rather than more easily-measured actions such as antidumping and countervailing ( anti-subsidy ) duties on imports .
In a recent antidumping and countervailing duty action brought against imports of Chinese solar cells by US renewable energy businesses , six of the seven complainants exercised their rights to keep their identities secret .
The US has also joined the fight , imposing both anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese solar panels .
In the face of increasingly harsh new trade protectionism , the form of trade barriers has changed from tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers such as antidumping , anti-subsidy to technical and green trade barriers .
In October , the Senate passed a bill that would compel the us to use calculations of currency undervaluations when assessing to what extent imports are deemed to be unfairly priced , for the purposes of imposing emergency so-called " Antidumping " and " countervailing duty " tariffs .
In addition to granting China MES , the EU should agree to exercise restraint in using trade remedies generally , such as anti-dumping duties , China-specific " transitional safeguards " and countervailing duties .