
  • 网络countervailing duties;countervailing tariff;CVD
  1. 他表示,中国希望G20坚定承诺摒弃保护主义。美国决定对中国输美轮胎开征反补贴关税后,中国本周作出了愤怒的反应。

    He said China which reacted angrily to US moves to slap countervailing duties on tyre imports this week wants the G20 to make a strong commitment to avoiding protectionism .

  2. 如果对中国采取直接了当的经济行动例如对中国的进口商品开征反补贴关税有很大可能获得成功,就不会出现任何原则性的反对意见。

    If forthright economic action against China countervailing duties on Chinese imports , say were likely to succeed , there could be no principled objection .

  3. 事实上,反补贴关税、反倾销条例、以及以健康、安全或环境为名禁止进口所有这些都符合wto法律。

    Indeed , anti-subsidy duties , anti-dumping rules , imports banned in the name of health , safety or the environment all these are wto-legal .

  4. 欧盟(EU)成员国投票通过一项针对高档进口纸征收反补贴关税的提案,欧洲与中国之间的贸易战就此拉开一条新战线。

    Europe is posed to open a new front in its trade battle with China after member states gave their assent to a proposal to put anti-subsidy duties on imports of high-end paper .

  5. 其中一项就是赋予运用反补贴关税的权利来对付非市场经济国家。

    One such bill enshrines the right to levy anti-subsidy duties against non-market economies .

  6. 中国抓住美国法庭做出的一项具有里程碑意义的判决,称美方对中国输美产品征收反补贴关税是在实行非法的保护主义。

    Beijing has seized on a landmark US court ruling to argue that Washington is practising illegal protectionism by imposing anti-subsidy tariffs on imports from China .

  7. 今年早些时候,欧盟把矛头指向这类做法,首次对中国输欧纸张征收反补贴关税。

    Earlier this year , the EU took aim at those practices when , for the first time , it imposed anti-subsidy duties on imported Chinese paper .

  8. 该法案将要求美国商务部在计算所谓的“反补贴关税”(征收对象是被视为得到政府补贴的进口)时,采用估算的汇率低估幅度。

    The bill would require the commerce department to use estimates of currency undervaluation when calculating so-called " countervailing duties " , imposed against imports deemed to be state-subsidised .

  9. 本案仍有待最终投票表决,但它标志着欧盟首次针对中国制成品征收反补贴关税。

    The case , which still requires a final vote , would mark the first instance in which the European Union has imposed anti-subsidy tariffs against Chinese manufactured goods .

  10. 美国众议院通过了一项法案,授权对像中国这样因低估汇率而形成的出口补贴开征反补贴进口关税。

    The House of Representatives has passed a bill authorising countervailing import duties against the export subsidies created by undervalued exchange rates as with China .

  11. 该法案将要求美国政府在对其视为得到不公平政府补贴的进口征收的“反补贴”关税中,纳入估算的汇率低估幅度。

    The law would require estimates of such undervaluation to be included in so-called " countervailing duty " tariffs that Washington imposes on imports it deems to be unfairly state-subsidised .

  12. 当涉及到对进口商品征收常规的反倾销反补贴关税时,美国体制所允许的政治干预要少于欧盟程序。

    When it comes to imposing regular anti-dumping or anti-subsidy duties on imports , the US system allows less political interference than do EU procedures .

  13. 今年早些时候,中国在世贸组织(WTO)打赢了一个针对美国的案子。当时,世贸组织裁定,美方对同一进口产品征收反补贴和反倾销关税,构成了重复计算。

    Earlier this year China won a case against the US at the World Trade Organisation , which ruled that Washington was in effect double-counting by imposing countervailing and anti-dumping duties on the same imports .

  14. 我们已要求同中国展开磋商,讨论其未能在美国输华的取向电工钢的反倾销、反补贴关税问题上遵守WTO义务的情况,美国贸易代表迈克弗罗曼(MikeFroman)周一表示。

    We have requested consultations with China on its failure to bring antidumping and countervailing duties on US exports of GOES ( grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel ) into compliance with its WTO obligations , said Mike Froman , US trade representative , on Monday .

  15. 今年,美国开始对从中国进口的太阳能电池板征收大约31%的反倾销和反补贴关税。

    This year , Washington imposed anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties of roughly 31 per cent on imported Chinese solar panels .

  16. 欧洲钢铁制造商时常诉诸反倾销和反补贴关税,以应对进入欧盟市场的低成本产品。

    European steelmakers have frequently had recourse to antidumping and antisubsidy tariffs to tackle low-cost products entering the EU market .

  17. 布鲁塞尔方面采取此举之前,华盛顿方面也采取了类似步骤,在今年早些时候针对中国太阳能电池板制造商开征反倾销和反补贴关税。

    The Brussels move follows a similar step in Washington , which levied anti-dumping tariffs and countervailing duties on Chinese solar-panel makers earlier this year .

  18. 例如,从2003年开始,由于担心疯牛病,中国禁止从美国进口牛肉,而美国鸡肉进口也面临着高额反倾销及反补贴关税。

    US beef is banned in China over BSE fears dating from 2003 , for example , and US chicken imports face high antidumping and antisubsidy duties .

  19. 中国一直把反倾销和反补贴关税作为报复手段,赖夫说,之所以就此案提起诉讼,部分原因就是为了防止中国利用这类关税实施报复。

    China has been using antidumping and countervailing duties as a retaliatory measure , says Mr Reif . Part of the reason for bringing this action is to prevent their use as retaliation .

  20. 目前贸易保护措施的影响依然难以量化,因为很多都涉及许可证或监管规则层面的改变,而非征收反倾销反补贴进口关税等容易计量的手段。

    The extent of trade restrictions remains hard to quantify : many involve changes in licensing or regulation rather than more easily-measured actions such as antidumping and countervailing ( anti-subsidy ) duties on imports .

  21. 最近,7家美国可再生能源企业对从中国进口的太阳能电池提起反倾销和反补贴关税诉讼,但其中6家企业都行使了匿名权。

    In a recent antidumping and countervailing duty action brought against imports of Chinese solar cells by US renewable energy businesses , six of the seven complainants exercised their rights to keep their identities secret .

  22. 美国也卷入这场纠纷中,对中国太阳能面板征收反倾销关税和反补贴关税。

    The US has also joined the fight , imposing both anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese solar panels .

  23. 在新贸易保护主义形势愈加严峻的当下,贸易壁垒的演变过程经历了从关税壁垒,反倾销、反补贴等非关税壁垒到技术和绿色壁垒的变革。

    In the face of increasingly harsh new trade protectionism , the form of trade barriers has changed from tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers such as antidumping , anti-subsidy to technical and green trade barriers .

  24. 今年10月,美国参议院通过法案,要求美国政府在评估进口商品的定价不公平程度时,估算商品生产国货币被低估的情况,以便加征所谓的“反倾销”和“反补贴”紧急关税。

    In October , the Senate passed a bill that would compel the us to use calculations of currency undervaluations when assessing to what extent imports are deemed to be unfairly priced , for the purposes of imposing emergency so-called " Antidumping " and " countervailing duty " tariffs .

  25. 除了赋予中国市场经济地位,欧盟还应原则同意在使用贸易补偿措施(比如反倾销税、针对中国的过渡性保障措施和反补贴关税)方面保持克制。

    In addition to granting China MES , the EU should agree to exercise restraint in using trade remedies generally , such as anti-dumping duties , China-specific " transitional safeguards " and countervailing duties .