
  • 网络bouquet garni
  1. 取出香料包、将欧芹搅拌加入。

    Remove the bouquet garni and stir in the parsley .

  2. 加入西红柿、半茶匙盐和香料包,烧煮并间歇搅拌10分钟,直到番茄烧化,香味散发。

    Add the tomatoes , 1 / 2 teaspoon salt , and the bouquet garni and cook , stirring from time to time , for10 minutes , until the tomatoes have cooked down and smell fragrant .

  3. 除去香料包,滤渣。

    Disgard spice bag and strain .

  4. 当然,也可以在小盒内放入香料包,使衣物染上香味。

    Moreover , sachets can also be put into the small boxes , to give the clothing fragrance .

  5. 为他共费了四十天,因为用香料包殓尸体原需要这些天数。埃及人为他举哀七十天。

    They spent forty days at it , for that is the full period of embalming ; and the Egyptians mourned him for seventy days .

  6. 烟用香料环糊精包合物结构与性质研究

    Study on the Structure and Properties of the Inclusion Complex of Cyclodextrin with Tobacco Flavour

  7. 奥菲丽亚小姐把那几个包香料的破纸包取了出来。

    Miss Ophelia lifted out the shifting papers of sweet herbs .