
  • 网络Srebrenica
  1. 斯雷布雷尼察事件动摇了荷兰人的信念,即:当美国、英国等更野蛮的民族四处挥舞大棒的时候,荷兰人可以在世界四处行善。

    Srebrenica shook the Dutch belief that they could go around the world doing good while more primitive peoples , such as Americans and Britons , used hammers .

  2. 斯雷布雷尼察的母亲们,贵宾们,女士们,先生们

    Mothers of Srebrenica , distinguished guests , ladies and gentlemen

  3. 斯雷布雷尼察原本应该作为联合国的“安全地区”受到保护。

    Srebrenica have been protected as a United Nations " safe area . "