
hé xiān
  • synthetic fiber
  1. 以中国纺科院合纤所制造的高收缩聚醋(HSPET)切片为原料,采用不同的纺丝工艺进行了纺丝试验。

    Taking the high shrinkage polyester ( HSPET ) produced by Synthetic Fiber Research Institute of China Textile Academy as raw material , spinning tests were carried out adopting different spinning processes .

  2. 棉花供需状况对我国合纤市场的影响

    Influence Of Cotton Demand / Supply On China 's Synthetic Fiber market

  3. 在合成纤维中,聚酯纤维具有一定的弹性,它以其优良的性能和低廉的价格成为合纤的第一品种,其中PET纤维和PBT纤维早已经大量工业化生产和广泛应用。

    Among the synthetic fibers , polyester becomes the first breed of synthetic fiber because of its excellent performance and lower price .

  4. 阐述了由于近几年PP纤维及其原料纤维级PP生产技术的发展推动了PP纤维在合纤中的地位不断提高;

    The article gives the exposition that the development of the PP fiber and its raw material fiber-grade PP technologies has promoted the PP fiber position in synthetic fibers frequently .

  5. 实验证明,应用PS浆料上浆后,该浆料的物理性能可以满足合纤长丝在喷水织机上织造的各项要求。

    It has been proved through experiments that the physical properties of the ps size can meet the requirements of the jet loom weaving when synthetic filaments are sized with the ps size .

  6. 新型合纤装饰棉胶粘剂的合成与性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of Novel Adhesive for Synthesized Fiber Decorative Cotton

  7. 用快速染色法染合纤薄型织物的工艺探讨

    Studies on the process of rapid dyeing of thin fabric of synthon

  8. 合纤工业计算机控制系统应用比较及发展

    Comparison and development of computer control system application in synthetic fiber industry

  9. 新合纤用染整助剂及其应用

    Textile Auxiliaries for the New Synthetic Fibers and Their Uses

  10. 合理利用喷射织机生产合纤长丝织物

    Make a Proper Use of Jet Looms and Produce Synthetic Filament Fabrics

  11. 合纤生产及研究中在线检测仪器的应用

    The application of on-line instruments in production and research of synthetic fiber

  12. 国内合纤针刺滤料的现状和应用前景

    Present State and Application Outlook of Domestic Needle Punched Filter

  13. 我国合纤地毯工业现状与发展前景

    The present situation and developing prospects of synthetic fiber carpet industry in China

  14. 影响我国合纤价格走势的因素

    Factors influencing price trends of synthetic fibers in China

  15. 用合纤毡连续过滤粘胶原液

    The Application of Synthetic Fibre Felts as Filter Media in Continuous Viscose Filtration

  16. 仿毛合纤新品种的研究与开发

    Research and development of new wool-like synthetic fiber products

  17. 一般合纤织物的手感在低温下会变得更僵硬。

    Generally , hand of synthetic fabric become more rigid at low temperature .

  18. 合纤纺丝机变频调速器不间断供电技术探讨&电网瞬时停电对策

    The non-stop power supply technique for speed control inverters of synthetic fiber spinning machine

  19. 并对1998年的合纤市场做了预测。

    The article also make a forecast of the synthetic fiber market in 1998 .

  20. 碱溶性聚酯及其在合纤新材料中的应用

    Alkali-soluble Polyester and its Application in Chemical Fiber

  21. 合纤和我国丝绸和合思想及其演变

    SYNTHETIC FILAMENTS AND SILK WEAVING IN CHINA The Thought of Harmony and Its Development

  22. 合纤长丝生产一步法工艺简介

    An elementary analysis about one step process ( osp ) of producing synthetic textile filament

  23. 新合纤的发展及加工技术

    The development and process technology of shin-gosen

  24. 合纤长丝热气流变形中加热对气压与流速的影响分析

    Influences of Heating on Pressure and Velocity in Hot Air Jet Texturing of Synthetic Fibers

  25. 开发多维立体结构织物系列产品有望使合纤及纺织业走出困境

    Developing fractal texture series products may drive synthetic fiber and textile industry out of difficulties

  26. 新合纤的开发与前景

    Development and future of shin - gosen

  27. 新合纤及其纺丝成形加工原理

    New Synthetic Fibers and Their Spinning Principles

  28. 2004年我国合纤原料市场分析及影响未来发展的因素

    The Analysis of China 's Synthetic Fiber Materials Market in 2004 and Factors Affecting Future Development

  29. 合纤绸的聚氯乙烯涂层多功能有机硅在合纤织物上性能的探讨

    PVC Coating of Synthetic Fabrics

  30. 提高认识落实措施进一步加大合纤新产品的开发力度

    Deepening understanding , implementing measures , and further enhancing the strength of developing new synthetic fiber products