
  1. 关于深化送温暖工程的理性思考

    On a Consideration of Deepening the Warmth Project

  2. 这个字面火花的温暖工程,在任何对外关系和在任何一个房间。

    This literal spark of warmth works in any dcor and in any room .

  3. 为此,送温暖工程必须实现从工会单一组织向全社会关心、帮助困难职工延伸;

    So , the Warmth Project should extend aid scope in order to arouse general concern in the whole society .

  4. 雕刻家汤光军(音译)表示,它的巨大体积,还有反常的温暖天气使工程变得特别具有挑战性。

    Its huge size and unseasonably warm temperatures have made the job especially challenging , said Tang Guangjun , one of the sculptors .