
  • 网络The Weinstein Company;Weinstein Co
  1. Netflix公司、温斯坦公司通过Imax公司找到了类似的变通方法。

    With Imax , Netflix and the Weinstein Company have found a similar workaround .

  2. 包括华特迪士尼(WaltDisney)和温斯坦公司(WeinsteinCompany)在内的媒体集团警告称,如果该法案被批准为法律,它们会考虑将制作活动迁出佐治亚州。

    Media groups including Walt Disney and The Weinstein Company warned they would consider moving productions out of Georgia if the bill became law .

  3. 温斯坦公司的《艺术家》(TheArtist)在2011年11月底上映,后来获得了最佳影片奖。

    The Weinstein film The Artist , which would win best picture , was released in late November 2011 .

  4. 温斯坦公司的《艺术家》(TheArtist)在2011年11月底上映,后来获得了最佳影片奖。

    The Weinstein film " The Artist , " which would win best picture , was released in late November 2011 .

  5. 温斯坦公司获得10项提名,HBO是电视界最重要的获奖者,共获15项提名。

    The Weinsteins had 10 . HBO was far and away the biggest television presence , garnering 15 nods .

  6. 温斯坦公司今年参赛的重头戏《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)周五上映,显然是想借助颁奖季的势头。该片两个月前获得了多伦多国际电影节的观众选择奖。

    The Weinsteins " big horse in this year 's race , " The Imitation Game , " opened on Friday , two months after winning the Toronto International Film Festival 's audience award , and doubtlessly riding that awards momentum .

  7. 该片名为《卧虎藏龙2:青冥宝剑》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon:TheGreenDestiny),它出自独立制片公司温斯坦公司,而非大型电影公司,成本相对较低。

    The film , called " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : The Green Destiny , " is a production of the independent Weinstein Company , not a major movie studio , and has a relatively modest budget .

  8. 温斯坦公司的联合主席哈维·温斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)在一次采访中说,这个行业需要探索新的方式来发行他的电影。

    In an interview , Harvey Weinstein , co-chairman of the Weinstein Company , said that the industry needed to explore new ways to distribute his movies .

  9. Netflix公司有意进入原创电影业务已有一段时间了,它与温斯坦公司合作过几个项目,包括即将上映的历史冒险系列影片《马可·波罗》(Marcopolo),这一系列将只在Netflix网站上发布。

    Netflix has been interested in breaking into the original film business for some time , and has worked with the Weinstein Company on several projects , including the forthcoming Marco Polo historical adventure series , which will be shown exclusively on Netflix .

  10. Netflix公司有意进入原创电影业务已有一段时间了,它与温斯坦公司合作过几个项目,包括即将上映的历史冒险系列影片《马可·波罗》(MarcoPolo),这一系列将只在Netflix网站上发布。

    Netflix has been interested in breaking into the original film business for some time , and has worked with the Weinstein Company on several projects , including the forthcoming " Marco Polo " historical adventure series , which will be shown exclusively on Netflix .

  11. Netflix公司和温斯坦公司(WeinsteinCompany)宣布,计划明年在Netflix网站和全球精选的一些Imax影院同时发行《卧虎藏龙》续集,这是史无前例的。

    In a first deal of its kind , Netflix and the Weinstein Company said Monday that they planned to release next year 's sequel to the movie " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " simultaneously across the globe on Netflix and a select number of Imax theaters .

  12. 提名结果也反映出电影界的不列颠空袭,比如温斯坦公司(Weinsteins)的《模仿游戏》和焦点特写公司(FocusFeatures)的《万物理论》,两部影片都是讲述深受伤害的英国天才的故事,它们都在多个领域获得提名。

    A movieland version of the Battle of Britain is shaping up on the awards trail , as " The Imitation Game , " from the Weinsteins , and " The Theory of Everything , " from Focus Features - each about a deeply impaired British genius - took nominations in many of the same categories .

  13. 温斯坦公司(WeinsteinCompany)的首席运营官、总裁大卫·格拉瑟(DavidGlasser,我本来也打算采访哈维[Harvey],但是被该公司拒绝了)说秋季是最佳上映时间,“我们总是在11月为最好的影片选择一个极佳上映日期”。

    David Glasser , chief operating officer and president of the Weinstein Company ( the Bagger tried to get Harvey , too ; the company demurred ) , described the fall sweet spot : " We 've always had a magic November date for the right picture , " he said .

  14. 温斯坦公司将执导权交给了中国知名导演袁和平。

    The Weinstein Company has instead given the directing reins to Woo-ping Yuen , a well-known director in China .

  15. 影评人的初步共识预示着哥伦比亚公司出品的《社交网络》和温斯坦公司的《国王的演讲》对奥斯卡最佳影片奖的角逐将异常激烈,派拉蒙公司的《大地惊雷》则可能出来“搅局”。

    Initial consensus among critics indicated a tight race for the top prize between Columbia 's " Social Network " and Weinstein Co 's " King 's Speech , " with Paramount 's " True Grit " a possible spoiler .

  16. 温斯坦影业公司发行的警匪片《无法无天》(Lawless)截至周一斩获1300万美元,位列排行榜第二。

    Lawless , ' a gangster film distributed by Weinstein Co. , took the No. 2 spot , earning $ 13 million domestically through Monday .