
wēn yǎ
  • refined;gentle and cultivated;gentle
温雅 [wēn yǎ]
  • [gentle] 温和文雅

  • 态度温雅

  • 温雅的少年

温雅[wēn yǎ]
  1. 傲慢和温雅,永难傲慢和温雅,住一处。住一处。

    Pride and grace dwelt never in one place .

  2. 时间之神温雅从容,索福克勒斯如是说。

    Time is a gentle deity , said Sophocles .

  3. 温雅的歌手!你吟着崇高的诗篇;

    Most gracious singer of the high poems !

  4. 温雅地把属于青春的一切交还。

    Gracefully surrendering the things of youth .

  5. 自然生态与人文资源相谐和,形成南岸特有的温雅亲切的文化基调。

    Melody of the natural zoology and humanism resource constitutes the self-owned cultural mood of gentleness .

  6. 什么事情都做得很温雅。

    Everything was gracefully done .

  7. 飞天珠宝翡翠系列之二文化东方温雅凝翠&中国传统中的玉文化

    Emerald in oriental traditional culture

  8. 一个准医生充满自信地走进房间并且温雅地通过了所有45步考试。

    One doctor-to-be walked into the room with confidence and moved gracefully through all45 steps of the exam .

  9. 温雅经典,浪漫温馨的卫浴空间,赋予了生命返璞归真的自然质感。

    Wen Ya is classical , romance defends bath space sweetly , gifted life returns uncut jade to return to feel naturally really character .

  10. 我要把她们教育成贞洁的人,她们应当是诚实的,并且应当是温雅的,并且应当信仰天主!信仰这神圣的称号!

    I mean to bring them up virtuously , and they shall be honest , and nice , and believe in God , by the sacred name !

  11. 韦翰先生又随便谈了些一般的事情。他谈到麦里屯,谈到四邻八舍和社交之类的事,凡是他所看到的事情,他谈起来都非常欣喜,特别是谈到社交问题的时候,他的谈吐举止更显得温雅殷勤。

    Mr. Wickham began to speak on more general topics , Meryton , the neighbourhood , the society , appearing highly pleased with all that he had yet seen , and speaking of the latter especially , with gentle but very intelligible gallantry .