
  • 网络Gentle You;Soft You
  1. 希望找能找到温柔的你一起享有生活。

    Hope to find someone who is gentle & caring to enjoy life together .

  2. 那个温柔的拧你一下的人。

    Who pinches you softly but sure .

  3. 她是一个非常温柔的女人,你现在肯定知道了。

    She 's a very sweet woman , as you no doubt know by now .

  4. 温柔的心,你是否倦了?

    Art thou weary , tender heart ?

  5. 温柔的贼,你若非沾溉于我爱人的气息,又何处偷得那奇香?

    Sweet thief , whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells , " If not from my love 's breath ?

  6. 质地轻柔的裙褶温柔的包裹着你的双腿,盛放的花边像瀑布一样从你的纤腰上垂下。

    The folds of delicate fabric wrap softly around your hips and billow from your waist in a cascade of spectacular ivory ruffles .

  7. 可爱的战溧,微妙的颤抖,这羞怯温柔的拥抱在你美丽的樱唇上,我惯用接吻来代替语言,我的吻就像是从我的心底冒出的一个火焰!

    Shy sweet embrace - On your beautiful lips , I preferred kissing instead of the language My kiss is like the smoke from my heart a flame !

  8. 我不介意他的肤色——只要他能用耐心、牺牲、奉献和温柔的笔触在你人生的画布上尽情挥绘。

    I don 't care about the color of his skin -- as long as he paints the canvas of your lives with brushstrokes of patience , and sacrifice , and vulnerability , and tenderness .

  9. 我不介意他的肤色只要他能用耐心、牺牲、奉献和温柔的笔触在你人生的画布上尽情挥绘。

    I don 't care about the color of his skin & as long as he paints the canvas of your lives with brushstrokes of patience , and sacrifice , and vulnerability , and tenderness .

  10. 温柔的爱,恢复你的劲:别被说

    Sweet love , renew thy force ; be it not said

  11. 温柔的歌声会使你开怀;

    List while I woo thee with soft melody ;

  12. 我那温柔的男孩,请你原谅我。

    My gentle boy , please forgive me .

  13. 啊,想想我的心还有什么要跟你说,它带着温柔的叹息飘向你。

    Ah , conceive what my heart has to say to you ; it overflows with soft sighs all whisper to you .

  14. 你可能会觉得爱侣搭档给予的温柔的敦促会使你更坚定地执行你的计划,如重修房子或者做好装裱。

    You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape .

  15. 那声音如同一切音乐一般,传达着热情与悲怆,传达着高昂或温柔的激动,不管你在何地受的教育,听起来内心都会感到亲切熟悉。

    Like all other music , it breathed passion and pathos , and emotions high or tender , in a tongue native to the human heart , wherever educated .

  16. 许多年过去了,暴风骤雨般的激情。驱散了往日的梦想,于是我忘却了你温柔的声音,还有你那天仙似的的倩影。

    Many years have passed by , storm smile Has scattered the former days dream , Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound , Also has your that angel resembles the beautiful figure .