
  • 网络Action Comics
  1. 凯奇是出了名的狂热收藏家,他的兴趣包括不动产、珍稀轿车和漫画书。2011年,他以210万美元出售了一本接近全新的《动作漫画》(ActionComics)第一期,其中有超人的第一次亮相。

    Mr. Cage is known as an avid collector , with interests that include real estate , rare cars and comic books : In 2011 , he sold a like-new copy of Action Comics No. 1 , which featured the first appearance of Superman , for $ 2.1 million .

  2. 我所有的动作漫画书都有一个相似的地方—大英雄从来不因为对社会作出贡献而索取回报;

    In all of the action comics that I read , there was a distinct pattern - the Super Hero was never paid for his contribution to society ;

  3. 纽约一个家庭正在打包物品,准备从房屋中搬出,却在地下室中发现了首版《动作漫画》,这是全世界第一本介绍超人的书,被认为是漫画的圣杯。

    A New York family was in the process of and moving out of their home when they discovered a rare copy of Action Comics No.1 in their basement . It 's the comic book that introduced Superman to the world and it 's considered the of comic books .

  4. 男孩玩具市场的疲软除了女孩产品销量抢眼这个原因之外,还因为男孩玩具与动作和漫画电影紧密关联。

    Apart from being out-shined by girls ' sales , slacking boys ' sales can be attributed to their close ties to action and comic book movies .