
  1. 目前,包括芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)的尤金•法玛和卡内基•梅隆大学的阿兰•梅尔泽在内,许多优秀的经济学家的观点就与之截然相反。

    Many eminent economists , from Eugene Fama of the University of Chicago to Allan Meltzer of Carnegie Mellon , take a totally different view .

  2. 殊不知法玛早已经检验了EMH对实际价格行为的预测。

    But Mr Fama tested the predictions of the EMH on the behaviour of actual prices .

  3. 本文把宏观的功能效率,也纳入市场效率理论体系,从而将市场的效率分为三个方面:交易效率(微观的研究)、定价效率(法玛的EMH)、功能效率(宏观的研究)。

    This paper proposes that macrocosmic function efficiency should be also taken into the system of the market efficiency theory . Accordingly , market efficiency is divided into three aspects : transaction efficiency ( micro-study ), price-fixing efficiency ( EMH ) and function efficiency ( macro-study ) .

  4. 法玛打得也不错,阿里扎是赛季早期从魔术的交易来的,给湖人注入恐怖力量。

    Jordan Farmar has played very well , and Trevor Ariza was a terrific early-season addition from the Magic .

  5. 此后,美国经济学家法玛提出了著名的有效市场假说,形成了买入并持有的消极投资战略。

    American economist Fama put forward the famous theory of the Efficient Market Hypothesis henceforth and formed a passive investment strategy of buying and holding .

  6. 两名白人青年,法玛与蒙代洛,被控谋杀到他们住家附近造访的黑人青年郝金斯。

    Joseph Fama and Keith Mondello , two young whites , faced charges of murdering Yusuf Hawkins , a young black visitor to the neighborhood .

  7. 其中包括过去半个世纪最有影响力的金融经济学家法玛,还有他在芝加哥大学的同事、著名的宏观经济学家约翰•柯克兰。

    They include Fama , one of the most influential financial economists of the past half-century , and his university of Chicago colleague John Cochrane , a prominent macroeconomist .

  8. 价格总是正确的原则认为,资产价格将(套用法玛的话说)完全反映出可得到的信息,以此为资源配置提供准确的信号。

    The price is right principle says asset prices will , to use Mr Fama 's words fully reflect available information , and thus provide accurate signals for resource allocation .

  9. 在分析资本市场的信息效率时,首先从法玛的弱有效性检验出发,检验了上海证券综合指数的延续性,判定上海股票市场已逼近弱有效率;

    According to Fama 's weak efficiency theory , the paper tests the continuity of Shanghai Securities Complex Index and arrives a conclusion that Shanghai share market is near weak efficiency .