
  • 网络jason;jensen;johnson;Lyndon Johnson;Michael Jensen
  1. 詹森说,六月份发布的iPhone,是苹果公司第一次进军手机市场,同样也带来了新客户。

    The iPhone , launched in June as Apple 's first foray in the cell phone market , has also brought newcomers , Johnson said .

  2. 我本以为是伦敦詹森,可我错了。

    I thought it was Lyndon johnson , but I was wrong .

  3. 詹森是个危险人物,可能会变得非常野蛮而凶残。

    Jensen is a dangerous man , and can be very brutal and reckless .

  4. 詹森遇害的那个周末她在圣迭戈,后经查证情况属实。

    She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed . It checked out

  5. W:詹森!你最近躲到哪里去了?

    W : Jason , where have you been hiding lately ?

  6. 请听,詹森与艾拉谈论《X战警:第一战》以及他们觉得自己与众不同时的感受。

    Listen to Jason and Ella talk about X-Men : First Class and times they have felt different .

  7. 詹森:噢,mage,你怎么能从一个人的名字来判断一个人呢。

    Jasen : Maggie , we cannot judge somebody 's on the base of a name .

  8. 音乐会推广机构LiveNation全球音乐首席执行官詹森•加德纳(JasonGardner)甚至对人们不再出门的看法也提出了异议。

    Jason Gardner , chief executive of global music at Live Nation , the concert promoter , even disputed the idea that people would stop going out .

  9. 詹森•布鲁姆(JasonBlum),迪迪•加纳(DedeGardner),丹特•迪•罗瑞托(DanteDiLoreto)也将担任该片制片人。

    Jason Blum , Dede Gardner and Dante Di Loreto will also serve as executive producers .

  10. 38岁的詹森•肯尼(JasonKenney)愉快地承认,这些天来他吃了很多的咖喱。

    Jason Kenney gladly acknowledges that he is eating a lot of curry these days .

  11. 今年56岁的大卫・詹森(DavidJensen)认为自己体重超标,他说减少日常饮酒量有助于少吃夜宵。

    David Jensen , a 56-year-old who considers himself overweight , says cutting his daily drink or two helped him reduce nighttime snacking . '

  12. 业绩差的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp显著正相关;

    But there is a positive correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp for the fund of worse performance .

  13. 然而,没有证据表明这些理论都是正确的。詹森说:“关于这一点还没有任何存在的事实。关于维他命B的理论已经反反复复经过了论证,但这种说法似乎站不住脚。”

    However , there is no indication that any of these theories are correct , says Jensen : " There is no truth to that . The theory about vitamin B has been tested very , very thoroughly , and it doesn 't hold . "

  14. 丹•詹森(DanJansen)是法律科技公司NextLawLabs的首席执行官,该公司是国际律所德同(Dentons)投资的。

    Dan Jansen is chief executive of NextLaw Labs , a legal technology company backed by Dentons , a global law firm .

  15. 儿科心理医生梅丽特•詹森(MerrittJensen)与费城儿童医院泌尿科合作。

    Merritt Jensen , a pediatric psychologist , works with the division of urology at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia .

  16. 实证结果发现,业绩好的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp呈显著的负相关;

    The results of empirical study suggest that for the fund of better performance , there is a negative correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp ;

  17. 医疗保险计划管理方——医疗保险与医疗救助服务中心(CentersforMedicareandMedicaidServices)负责偿付与分析的代理主任塔玛拉·希赖克-詹森(TamaraSyrek-Jensen)说:“从全局来看,(扩大偿付范围)是个积极的进步。”

    When you look at the big picture , it was a positive step forward ' to extend coverage , said Tamara Syrek-Jensen , acting director for the coverage and analysis group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , which administers the Medicare program .

  18. 在M-M定理的基础上,通过对詹森和麦克林代理成本理论的分析,认为对资本结构进行合理安排,不仅可以实现其自身的优化,而且可以使企业代理成本最小化。

    On the basis of M-M theorem and J-M agency cost analysis , the paper concludes that the rational arrangement of capital structure can realize its own optimization and minimization of agency cost .

  19. 加拿大皇家银行新兴市场财富管理主管百仁詹森(BarendJanssens)说:他们吸引离岸财富的能力显然在上升。

    Their ability to attract offshore wealth is clearly increasing , said Barend Janssens , head of wealth management , emerging markets at RBC .

  20. 通过引入时间成本,对以信息成本和代理成本权衡来确定最优决策点的J-M(詹森和麦克林)决策权配置模型进行了修正。

    By introducing the opportunity cost of time , Jensen-Meckling 's Model of Decision-making Configuration was modified where the optimal locus of decision making is laid out according to the tradeoff between information cost and agency expenditure .

  21. 丹麦外交部法律处主任彼得塔克苏-詹森(petertaksoe-jensen)说:“如果依据当下的规则,你有扩张本国领土的可能性,那你就应该去发掘这种可能性。”

    Peter taksoe-jensen , undersecretary for legal affairs at the Danish Foreign Ministry , says : " if you have the possibility to extend the sovereignty of your country , following the correct rules , you have to explore this possibility . "

  22. 根据该协议,詹森公司将拥有排他性的权利来研发和商业化治疗肺癌的LADD候选产品,并为授权产品所有的研究、发展、生产、标准和商业化承担责任。

    Under the agreement , Janssen will have exclusive rights to develop and commercialize LADD product candidates in lung cancer and will assume responsibility for all research , development , manufacturing , regulatory and commercialization activities for the licensed products .

  23. 我相信我们的LADD技术对于治疗肺癌提供了巨大的希望,并且我们很乐意与詹森公司扩大合作,该公司专注肺癌和前列腺癌治疗,拥有丰富的经验和资源。

    We believe our LADD technology also offers tremendous promise as a potential treatment for lung cancer and we are pleased to expand our relationship with Janssen , a company with significant experience and resources focused in both lung and prostate cancer .

  24. 在今年5月,Aduro公司宣布与詹森生物科技公司达成首个协议,授权该公司基于其创新的LADD免疫治疗平台,专门用于治疗前列腺癌的集中候选产品的排他性的世界范围内的生产许可。

    In May of this year , Aduro announced its first agreement with Janssen Biotech , Inc. granting the company an exclusive , worldwide license to certain product candidates specifically engineered for the treatment of prostate cancer based on its novel LADD immunotherapy platform .

  25. Audro生物科技公司与詹森强生公司的子公司,詹森生物科技公司订立了第二份合作协议,授予后者排他性的、世界范围内的许可,基于其创新的LADD免疫治疗平台,来生产设计用来治疗肺癌和其他癌症的候选产品。

    Aduro BioTech has entered into its second agreement with Janssen Biotech , Inc. , part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson , granting an exclusive , worldwide license to certain product candidates engineered for the treatment of lung cancer and certain other cancers based on its novel LADD immunotherapy platform .

  26. 于是詹森和麦姬瘊定陪迈克和卡萝一起去参加舞会。

    So Jason and Maggie decided to chaperoned Mike and Carol .

  27. 詹森:我刚说过,我相信你的眼光。

    Jason : Like I said , I trust your judgment .

  28. M:嘿,安娜,我是詹森。

    M : Hey , Anna , this is Jason .

  29. 詹森说,布兰科想成为一名海豹突击队员。

    According to Jansen , Blunk wanted to become a Navy SEAL .

  30. 我们认为自己可以做些贡献,詹森表示。

    We thought we could contribute , says Mr Janssen .