
  1. 文中通过一个大测区GPS水准实测数据,说明拟合模型优选准则的应用以及具体分析方法。

    Through using actual GPS leveling fitting data in a large-scale area , it introduces the application of optimum function model choice and the related analysis method .

  2. 总结大测程重力仪的分段格值整理重力资料的几种情况

    Some circumstances of the sectional scale arrangement of gravity data in the utilization of the long Measuremnt rance gravimeter

  3. 总结了大测程重力仪分段标定的格值相对变化大于1/1400时,单程、三程循环重力观测值居于不同测程段内可能出现的8种计算公式。

    The eight formulas have been obtained for calculation of gravity single range observation and three range circulation observation when the sectional scale value of the large range gravimeter changes more than 1 / 1400 .

  4. 为GPS工程测量和大比例测图一体化作业创造了有利条件。

    It presented advantaged conditions for GPS engineering surveying and large-scale integrative mapping .

  5. GPS技术的优势之一是测量范围大、测站间无需通视,这样,GPS具备解决上述问题的潜力。

    One of advantages GPS possessing is distant measuring without intervisibility , so GPS has a potential to solve the above problem .

  6. 2m和0.6m高速风洞飞机大攻角测力试验数据相关性研究M

    Correlation study on force test data for aircraft at high angles of attack in 1.2m and 0.6m high speed wind tunnels

  7. 于造模后24h、72h,各组大鼠测脑组织含水量,钠离子、钾离子含量,脑内血肿直径。

    Contents of water , sodium and potassium ion in brain , and the diameter of hematoma in rats of different groups were measured 24 h and 72 h after modeling .

  8. 城市平面控制网坐标系统的选择应满足投影长度变形不大于25cmkm,从而便于城市大比例尺测图和市政工程的施工放样。

    The selection of a city coordinate system of the plane control network must be satisfied with the deformation of projective lenth to be not bigger zhan 2 5cm / km , thus it is easy for the large-scale mapping of a city and the construction lofting of municipal engineering .

  9. 大比例尺测图中高程抵偿面的确定

    Determination of the compensation surface of height in large scale mapping

  10. 图根控制点在大比例尺测图时的密度要求

    The distribution requirement of measuring - points in large-scale drawing

  11. 经过偏心改正后的定位精度才能保证大比例尺测图定位要求。

    D positioning accuracy can meet the requirements of a large-scale surveying chart .

  12. 城市控制测量及大比例尺测图方法与分析

    The Method And Analysis Of City Control And Large Scale Topographical Map Surveys

  13. 利用数码相机进行航空大比例尺测图的研究

    A Study on Large-Scale Mapp in g by Aerial Photogrammetry with Digital Cameras

  14. 此法也适用其它大比例尺测图系统。

    Also aPPlicable to other large scale mapping system .

  15. 大比例尺测图野外数据检查电子化浅析

    Brief Discussion on Electronization of Field Data Back-check for Large Scale Surveying and Mapping

  16. 基于数字影像的大比例尺测图

    Large-scale Mapping Based on Digital Image

  17. 大华北测震数据共享系统中数据自动录入的实现方法探讨

    Discussion on Methods to Realize Data Input Automatically in the Seismic Data Share System of Great North China

  18. 本文将介绍一种适用于大比例尺测图的航测数字化测图系统DIGIP。

    In this paper , a photogrammetric digitized mapping system , which is suitable for large scale mapping , an is presented .

  19. 导气管摩擦风阻越小,钻孔瓦斯流量越大、测得的瓦斯涌出初速度越大。

    When the airway resistance is smaller , the gas flow quantity is bigger , and the initial velocity of gas emission from borehole is bigger too .

  20. 基于航空摄影测量作业流程进行了航拍试验,分析得出数码航空摄影测量完全能满足大比例尺测图的要求,最后总结了数码相机进行航拍成图的几点结论。

    The experiment was made on base of workflow of aerial photogrammetry , the experiment result shows that the digital image can produce large scale map , and several conclusion is induced at last .

  21. 动力法在张拉等级低的情况下受环境因素影响大,测值不稳定,所以在模型试验中测值取用静力法测试值。

    The power method about Tension force in cases of low-grade by environmental factors , measuring result is instability , so the model experiments in measuring result for access to the static method value .

  22. 根据迄今为止所获得的142套锚碇浮标和58套卫星跟踪漂流浮标的大范围测流资料,综合分析了黄海、东海表、上层环流。

    The characteristics of surface and upper layer circulation in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea are discussed by analyzing 142 set of mooring buoy data and trajectories of 58 set of satellite-tracked drifters .

  23. 研究结果说明:输入变量的选择严重影响力学参数反分析的精度,选取力学参数灵敏度大的测点位移作为神经网络的输入变量,可以减小模型误差与测量误差对反分析结果的影响。

    The research shows that if nodal displacements of high mechanical parameter sensitivity are chosen as input variables of the neural network , the influence of model errors and measure errors on the results of mechanical parameters back analysis can be diminished .

  24. 控制测量在数据处理时,通常要进行两次投影(地面→参考椭球面→高斯投影平面),也相应地产生两次投影变形,不利于大比例尺测图和工程施工放样。

    When processing data in controlling survey , we usually project twice ( land surface → according to ellipsoid plane → gauss projection plane ) and it brings about Deformed projection twice too . It is not good for large scale mapping and setting-out of project construction .

  25. GIS的大比例尺数字测图方法分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement of large scale GIS-oriented digital mapping

  26. 介绍了在莆田大比例尺数字测图中,将GPSRTK技术直接用于碎部测图中控制测量的试验情况,分析了试验的精度,得出了一些技术结论和建议。

    Based on the test of mapping control survey using GPS RTK technique on large scale digital mapping in PuTian and the analysis of test precision , some technical conclusions and suggestion are made .

  27. 针对微型钻头生产批量大、被测尺寸小、测量精度高的特点,研究出一套激光自动测量系统。该系统包括激光测量、CPU数据处理、PLC控制3大部分。

    Considering the peculiarities of microdrills , such as large batch production , small dimensions and high accuracy , this article deals with the development of an automatic laser measurement system , which consists of the laser measurement , CPU for data processing and PLC-based control unit .

  28. 末次运动结束24-48h内处死各组大鼠,测GK大鼠血糖,血清胰岛素和脂联素水平,以胰岛素抵抗指数以及脂联素反映胰岛素抵抗情况。

    The rats were killed in the time during 24 ~ 48 hours after the last time exercise . Detected the blood glucose and plasma insulin levels in each group , the situation of insulin resistance were reflected by insulin resistance index .

  29. LJ船用微机测流系统是能自动完成测深、测速、流量计算等一系列工作的水文测验仪器,经过哈尔滨水文站检验,证明该系统可以在大中河流测站使用。

    LJ ship with computer surveying flow system is the hydrology test instrument which can volunteer to complete sounding , surveying velocity , surveying calculation and so on . According to the test of Harbin Hydrology station , this system can be used in the big and middle rivers .

  30. 谈谈野外采集数据大比例尺数字测图的平面精度

    The Precision of Large-scale Digital Surveying and Mapping by Field Collect Data