
  • 网络Mahayana Buddhism
  1. 菩提心是大乘佛法最重要的法教。

    Bodhicitta is the most important teaching of Mahayana .

  2. 在生命的实践中体悟大乘佛法

    Mahayana Enlightenment Comes Only out of Living Practice

  3. 参预普遍的救渡是大乘佛法的理念,然而苦难的价值又当何解?

    The idea of contributing to universal salvation is a Mahayana ideal , but what about the merits of suffering ?

  4. 在大乘佛法的另外一个传统里,他们用五蕴的不同层次,来衡量一位瑜珈修行者的进度。

    Within another Mahayana Buddhist tradition , skandha states are used as a measure to determine how advanced a yogi is .