
  1. 这个具有预言能力的头足动物,其短暂而不平凡的一生,是不会那么容易被忘记的。

    The prophetic cephalopod 's brief but extraordinary life is unlikely to be forgotten .

  2. 在他不平凡的一生中,列侬和他的披头士乐队享誉世界。

    In his remarkable lifetime , John Lennon and the Beatles achieved spectacular worldwide fame .

  3. 达罗说:「扶轮创始人不平凡的一生,对作家来讲就好像神话故事。

    The extraordinary life of Rotary 's founder is fabulous for an author , says Dareau .

  4. 人这一辈子,我不能诠释什么,但这平凡的一生应该拥有些什么、付出些什么。

    People in this lifetime , I can not interpret anything , but this extraordinary life what should have paid what .

  5. 我以此文来纪念她不平凡的一生,我想告诉她,她在我心目中有多么重要!

    I wrote this to remind myself of her life and that how much , in the end , she means to me .

  6. 我们在缅怀萨金特∙施莱弗[肯尼迪总统的妹夫-译者注]不平凡的一生之时来纪念这个周年不免感到一种悲伤(掌声)在体现新前沿精神方面,他是一个出类拔萃的人。

    Now , we mark this anniversary with a measure of sadness , as we remember the extraordinary life of Sargent Shriver ( applause ) a man who embodied the spirit of the New Frontier as well as anybody .

  7. 和平凡的女人过一生!

    Spend life with an average woman .