
  • 网络mean free time
  1. 得出离子的平均自由时间的数值等于散射几率的倒数;

    The value of average ionic freedom time is equal to the reciprocal of scattering probability .

  2. 介质的电导率和离子浓度、平均自由时间成正比,与有效质量成反比的结论及有关公式、表达式。

    The medium conductivity is directly proportional to ion density and average freedom time while inversely proportional to efficient quality .

  3. 离子的平均漂移速度和电场强度成正比,离子淌度与平均自由时间成正比,与有效质量成反比;

    The average drifting velocity of ion is directly proportional to the electric field intensity . The ion mobility is directly proportional to its average freedom time and inversely proportional to efficient quality .

  4. 平均而言,光子被散射的时间就是它恰好传播一个平均自由路径的时间。

    On average , the photon will be scattered by the time it traverses a distance of just one mean free path .