
  1. 中国方案是:构建人类命运共同体,实现共赢共享。

    And China ’ s proposition is : build a community of shared future for mankind and achieve shared and win-win development .

  2. 供应链中完美共赢收入共享合约的存在性分析

    The Existence Analysis on the Revenue-Sharing Contracts of Perfect & Win-Win Coordination in the Supply Chain

  3. 为了实现企业间商业共赢,共享数据库成为了必要的先决条件。

    In order to achieve a win-win situation , it becomes a necessary prerequisite to share database .

  4. 让我们携手合作、努力营造一个有利于各国人民共赢、共享安宁与繁荣的国际和地区环境。

    Let us join hands in creating a regional and international environment in which people of all countries will enjoy success , peace and prosperity .

  5. 基于构建与维系组织间信任与共识关系的信息技术应用&一个体现共赢优势和共享利益的个案研究

    IT Application in Building and Maintaining Inter-Organizational Trust and Consensus & A Case Study of Co-Win Advantage and Shared Interest