
ɡònɡ mínɡ qiānɡ
  • resonance cavity
  1. 发现了一个精密的共鸣腔。

    We found what looks like a very sophisticated resonating chamber .

  2. 人类发音的共鸣腔位于什麽地方?

    Where are the resonating cavities of a human being contained ?

  3. 因此,下次当大家去演奏会的时候让自己的身体打开,让它成为你的共鸣腔。

    So please , the next time you go to a concert , just allow your body to open up , allow your body to be this resonating chamber .

  4. 因此,当我们真正彼此倾听的时候,我们应该先测测自己倾听的本领,真正地把我们的身体作为共鸣腔。停止表面的判断。

    So when we do listen to each other , it 's unbelievably important for us to really test our listening skills , to really use our bodies as a resonating chamber , to stop the judgment .

  5. 外界的声响也会影响到你从海螺里听到声响的强弱,你可以把螺体看做一个共鸣腔,外界的声波传到螺内之后会在里面来回反弹,从而形成了听得见的声响。

    Noise from outside the shell also can change the intensity of the sound you hear inside the shell . You can look at the shell as a resonating chamber . When sound from outside enters the shell , it bounces around , thus creating an audible noise .

  6. 这些理论从各个不同的角度阐述了中国民族声乐对歌唱的发声、呼吸、共鸣、润腔、咬字吐字和情感表现的要求以及训练方法和审美标准。

    They have described and explained the training methods and aesthetic standards of vocalization , breathing , resonance , tune , pronunciation and the presentation of sentiments .

  7. 在演唱特点上,笔者侧重从具体的咬字、吐字、呼吸、共鸣、润腔及人物形象塑造入手,为演唱者演唱这四首歌剧唱段提供了文字性的引导和启发。

    On singing characteristics , the author lays emphasis on specific articulation , enunciation , respiration , resonance , run-cavity and characters ' image . This provides the singer with literal guidance and inspiration on singing these four arias .