
  • 网络logo;Signs;indicator;logotype
  1. 广告标语是一种口头标识语。

    An advertisement slogan is a form of verbal logo .

  2. 视觉方面的品牌,如标识语设计,不再传达他们原意是表达。

    The visual aspects of the brand , such as logo design , no longer communicate what they were meant to convey .

  3. 关于中文公共标识语的英译问题

    Towards English Translations of Ch in ese Expressions in Public Use

  4. 中英标识语的文化差异与语用翻译

    Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Signs and Their Pragmatic Translation

  5. 浅谈南昌市公共标识语的翻译

    A Discussion on the Translation of Public Signs in Nanchang

  6. 英汉语用标识语的翻译策略

    Translation Strategy on Pragmatic Markers Between English and Chinese

  7. 中英文对照标识语的语用语言特色和社会语用特色例析

    Case Analysis for Features of Pragmatics Language and Social Pragmatics of Chinese-English Logo

  8. 城市中的双语公共标识语越来越多,它们极大地方便了人们的生活。

    Bilingual signs are widely used in cities nowadays and make our life more convenient .

  9. 所有名字与标识语是他们的各自的主人的财产。版权所有。

    All names & logos are the property of their respective owners . All Rights Reserved .

  10. 阳光公司标识语-不能给人深刻印象

    Sun Co. logo-not very impressive

  11. 所有事情奥林匹克,包括的标识语,吉祥物,地点,和出价候选人的信息。

    Information on all things Olympic , including logos , mascots , venues , and bid candidates .

  12. 亲善比赛名字,标识语,和所有相关标记是亲善比赛公司的商标。

    GOODWILL GAMES name , logos , and all related indicia are trademarks of Goodwill Games , Inc.

  13. 公司因此感到了威胁,便做出了反应,写出越来越长的警示标识语,试图预料种种可能发生的事故。

    Feeling threatened , companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels , trying to anticipate every possible accident .

  14. 第二章介绍了目前我国机场标识语翻译的现状,存在的问题以及相应解决方法。

    Chapter Two gives status of airport signs translation , problems in translating airport signs and solving strategies .

  15. 英汉语中词汇名词短语如专有名词和有定描述语皆为低可及性标识语。

    The lexical NPs such as names and definite descriptions in both English and Chinese are low accessibility markers .

  16. 公示语是公开面对公众的标识语、提示语、指示语、警示语的统称。

    Public sign is the general term for signs of indication , reminder , instructions and warning in public .

  17. 本文分析了武汉市公共场所的标识语翻译质量不尽人意的现状及原因并提出解决办法。

    This paper investigates the C-E translations of public signs in Wuhan , a major city located in central China .

  18. 即便使用相同的话语标识语,其语用功能不尽相同。

    Even when NNTs applied DMs the same way as used by NTs , the pragmatic intentions conveyed are not alike .

  19. 对比性语篇标识语是标识语言片段之间对比关系的语言表达式。

    Contrastive Discourse Markers ( herein DMs ) refer to lexical expressions that signal contrastive relations between linguistic segments in a written discourse .

  20. 同形和部分同形是高可及性标识语,因此它们常分布于长距离篇章中。

    Full repetition and partial repetition are considered to be high accessible markers , so they are mostly distributed in long distance in the discourse .

  21. 他说:他看起来有点不好意思,因为他被卡住的位置正好贴着注意缝隙的标识语。

    ' He seemed to be a bit sheepish , because right where he fell was the mind the gap writing , ' he said .

  22. 至于不标准的英语,杨雄认为市民的日常交际口语脚够与外国人交换即可,但标识语的翻译应力求精确。

    As for non-standard English , Yang said most locals'spoken English will be fine for daily uses so long as foreigners can understand , but the city must avoid misleading signboard translations .

  23. 如果你想要帮助你的业务,我们的国家通过当前的经济危机,答案很清楚:雇佣一个英国的标志设计者创建一个标识语设计,很适合英国市场。

    If you want to help your business and our nation make it through the current economic crisis , the answer is clear : hire a UK logo designer to create a logo design that is perfect for a UK market .

  24. 本文的研究对象是禁止类公示语,是指含有否定、禁止公众某种行为方式意义的标识语,通常对人们的一定行为倾向加以限制或禁止。

    The research object of this thesis is " forbidden public signs ( FPSs )" which refer to the signs negating or prohibiting a certain kind of behavior of the public , and usually a certain behavioral tendency of people is to be restricted or prohibited .

  25. 该公司的标识和广告语与竞争对手过于相似,这让消费者认为它是一个模仿者。

    Its logo and slogans were too similar to competitors ', which led consumers to think it was an imitator .

  26. 语篇标识词是英语语篇连贯关系中的重要体现形式。

    S : Discourse marks or signal words are important in English text reading .

  27. 标识,商标,标识语:易于辨认且清晰明了的名字、标志或商标。

    A name , symbol , or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition , especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type .